Nicholas White


Buy broad-breasted Nicholas white turkeys from Alpha Agventure Farms, the number one backyard farm in the Philippines. Our broad-breasted Nicholas White turkeys are purebred lines and vaccinated against Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, Gumboro disease, fowl pox, and infectious Coryza.

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We offer broad-breasted white turkeys for sale in the Philippines, specifically the Nicholas White variety. Our turkeys are vaccinated against major poultry diseases like Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, Gumboro Disease, Fowl Pox, and Infectious Coryza. This vaccination keeps our turkeys healthy and disease-resistant, ensuring peace of mind for buyers.

Our strict cultural management practices, including our Housing, Breeder Selection, and Egg Selection Programs, distinguish our turkeys. These programs are designed to enhance the quality and health of our turkeys. We also implement specialized programs for incubation, brooding, feeding, and laying, which contribute to the superior development of our birds.

The price of our broad-breasted white turkeys reflects the care and management we provide. Our Vaccination and Disease Management protocols ensure the health and longevity of our turkeys, making them a reliable choice for poultry farmers. If you’re looking for broad-breasted white turkeys near you, we ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and health.

Investing in our Nicholas White turkeys means choosing poultry that is robust, healthy, and well-suited to the Philippine environment. With our commitment to quality and strict management practices, we offer an ideal option for those looking to buy Nicholas White turkeys.


1. We delouse our broad-breasted white turkeys 3 months old and above.

We delouse broad-breasted white turkeys starting at 3 months old. This helps prevent external parasites and ensures their health and comfort. Our thorough delousing results in healthier, more comfortable turkeys. Trust our careful parasite management for top-quality birds.

2. We deworm our Nicholas White turkeys twice.

Alpha Agventure Farms uses a two-step deworming program for our broad-breasted white turkeys. The first step removes existing parasites, and the second targets any newly hatched worms. This approach minimizes health issues and ensures optimal growth. Our detailed deworming helps keep your turkeys healthy and thriving.

3. We administer bacterial flushing to our broad-breasted white turkeys for 3 days.

We offer a 3-day bacterial flushing for our broad-breasted white turkeys to keep their digestive systems balanced. This removes harmful bacteria and supports a strong immune system. Our rigorous bacterial flushing enhances health and vitality, ensuring your turkeys are robust and ready for peak performance.

4. We vaccinate our broad-breasted white turkeys.

Broad-breasted white turkeys (Nicholas White) at Alpha Agventure Farms are vaccinated against diseases like Newcastle Disease and Gumboro. Booster shots are given two weeks before delivery. Our vaccination program guarantees fully protected and healthy turkeys. Rely on us for well-vaccinated birds ready for your farm.

5. We sanitize our turkey transport boxes.

We sanitize all turkey transport boxes to ensure a clean, disease-free environment. This reduces contamination risks during transport. Our dedication to biosecurity means your turkeys arrive in excellent condition. Trust our thorough cleaning for safe and hygienic deliveries.

6. You can buy feeds, feeders, drinkers, cages, natural vitamins, medicines, and other must-haves in turkey farming from us.

We provide all essentials for turkey farming at Alpha Agventure Farms, including feeds, feeders, and cages. Our range also covers natural vitamins and medicines. Our one-stop-shop approach ensures you get top-quality products for your turkeys. Choose us for all your turkey farming needs and enjoy excellent service.


The Nicholas White turkey, a broad-breasted white variety, has made a significant impact on the commercial turkey industry. Developed in the mid-20th century, this breed is well-regarded for its rapid growth, high meat yield, and feed efficiency. The Nicholas White turkey’s prominence in poultry production stems from its desirable characteristics and successful breeding programs.

Origins and Development

The Nicholas White turkey was created in the 1950s by Dr. Earl Nicholas, a prominent American geneticist. Dr. Nicholas aimed to develop a breed with enhanced meat production traits by crossbreeding various white turkey strains. His goal was to produce a turkey with a substantial breast size and efficient growth rate, meeting the demands of the commercial market.

The development process involved extensive research and selective breeding to combine the best traits from existing turkey breeds. By focusing on improving breast size and overall meat yield, Dr. Nicholas created a breed that could thrive in commercial poultry operations. The Nicholas White turkey quickly became popular due to its impressive growth rates and high-quality meat.

Characteristics and Production

The Nicholas White turkey is distinguished by its broad breast, white plumage, and large size. Its broad-breasted nature means it has more meat on the breast compared to other turkey breeds, which is highly desirable for meat production. This characteristic makes it a preferred choice for consumers seeking white meat.

In addition to its large breast, the Nicholas White turkey is known for its rapid growth rate. It reaches market weight faster than many other breeds, which allows producers to turn over flocks more quickly. The breed’s high feed conversion ratio is another advantage, as it means less feed is required to achieve the desired growth.

The breed’s white feathers also play a practical role. White feathers do not stain the meat, which is preferred in the meat market for aesthetic reasons. Uniformity in size and meat quality further enhances its appeal to commercial producers.

Industry Impact

The Nicholas White turkey has had a profound impact on the turkey industry, setting new standards for meat production. Its introduction led to significant advancements in breeding practices and meat quality. The breed’s success demonstrated the effectiveness of targeted genetic selection in poultry farming.

The breed’s influence extends beyond its own development, as it has served as a model for other turkey breeding programs. Its traits have helped standardize commercial turkey farming practices, leading to more efficient and consistent production. The Nicholas White turkey remains a key player in shaping industry standards.

Current Status and Future Prospects

Currently, the Nicholas White turkey is a dominant breed in the commercial turkey industry, valued for its meat quality and production efficiency. It continues to meet the demands of both producers and consumers, ensuring its ongoing relevance in the market. The breed’s success is a testament to the effectiveness of its design and breeding.

Looking ahead, ongoing advancements in breeding and genetic research promise to further enhance the Nicholas White turkey’s attributes. Future developments may focus on improving health, growth rates, and feed efficiency. The breed is expected to maintain its significant role in the turkey production industry, adapting to evolving market needs.


Can I use your Broad-Breasted White Turkeys as breeders?

Yes, you can use our Broad-Breasted White Turkeys for breeding. We ensure that our breeding pairs are not related within the fifth degree of consanguinity to prevent inbreeding. This helps maintain the health and quality of your turkey stock.

Do you deliver Broad-Breasted White Turkeys anywhere in the Philippines?

Our Broad-Breasted White Turkeys are available for pick-up only at our designated location in Block 7, Barangay San Manuel, Tarlac City. If you’re unable to pick them up in person, we recommend arranging an animal transporter for safe delivery. We can assist in finding a reliable transporter; just provide your address and order details for a delivery quote and scheduling.

Can I pick up my Broad-Breasted White Turkeys tomorrow if I pay today?

The minimum waiting period for Broad-Breasted White Turkeys is 14 days. During this time, we ensure the turkeys are deloused, dewormed, and checked for overall health. If there are existing orders ahead of yours, the waiting period may be extended beyond 14 days.

Will you teach me how to raise Broad-Breasted White Turkeys if I buy from you?

Absolutely! For general inquiries, you can email us. We also offer a farm consultancy service to help you create a customized care plan for your Broad-Breasted White Turkeys. This plan includes guidance on feeding, housing, and health management to ensure you are well-equipped for successful turkey farming. We’re committed to supporting your success and the well-being of your turkeys.

What are Broad-Breasted White Turkeys, and why should I consider buying them?

Broad-Breasted White Turkeys are a popular breed known for their large size and efficient growth rate. They are ideal for meat production due to their high yield of lean meat. If you’re looking for Broad-Breasted White Turkeys for sale, you’ll find they offer excellent returns in terms of meat quality and quantity.

What are the main benefits of raising Nicholas White Turkeys?

Nicholas White Turkeys are renowned for their fast growth and large breast size, making them a top choice for meat production. They are also hardy and adaptable to various climates, including those being sold by Alpha Agventure Farms in the Philippines. Their high feed conversion rate ensures efficient growth.

Where can I buy Nicholas White Turkeys in the Philippines?

You can buy purebred Nicholas White Turkeys directly from Alpha Agventure Farms. We are a trusted source with a strong reputation for high-quality turkeys. Our farm is known for its commitment to maintaining the health and well-being of our birds, and we provide personalized service to ensure you get the best stock. We offer a reliable and professional approach to turkey production, making us a top choice for your needs.

How do I care for Broad-Breasted White Turkeys?

Proper care includes providing a clean and spacious environment, balanced nutrition, and regular health checks. Ensure they have access to fresh water and a high-quality feed. Regularly monitor their health and maintain good hygiene to prevent diseases.

What is the typical price of Broad-Breasted White Turkeys in the Philippines?

You can find our price list for Broad-Breasted White Turkeys right on this page. Our pricing reflects the top-notch cultural management we use to raise our turkeys, ensuring they are of the highest quality and health. The prices may vary based on age and quality, but our commitment to excellent care and management is consistent. By choosing our turkeys, you invest in superior growth and performance.

What should I include in the diet of Nicholas White Turkeys?

Nicholas White Turkeys require a balanced diet consisting of high-quality turkey feed with adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals. Supplement their feed with fresh greens and occasional grains to enhance their growth and health. Regularly adjust their diet based on their age and growth stage.

Where can I find Broad-Breasted White Turkeys for sale in the Philippines?

You can find Broad-Breasted White Turkeys for sale through local poultry farms, agricultural fairs, and online marketplaces. Ensure you visit the supplier to assess the condition of the turkeys and verify their health before purchasing.

How can I locate Broad-Breasted White Turkeys near me?

To find Broad-Breasted White Turkeys near you, you can search for “Broad-Breasted White Turkeys near me” or “Nicholas White Turkeys near me” on Google. Alpha Agventure Farms will appear at the top of the search results. We are well-regarded for our quality turkeys and comprehensive customer service. This ensures that you can easily find and contact us to meet your turkey needs, making us a convenient choice for your poultry requirements.

What are the housing requirements for Nicholas White Turkeys?

Nicholas White Turkeys need a spacious and well-ventilated housing environment. Ensure the coop has adequate lighting and protection from extreme weather conditions. Regularly clean the housing to prevent diseases and maintain a healthy environment. One broad-breasted white turkey needs 1 square meter of space inside the coop.

Can Nicholas White Turkeys be raised in small flocks?

Yes, Nicholas White Turkeys can be raised in small flocks, but ensure they have enough space to move around comfortably. Small flocks can be ideal for hobby farmers or those with limited space. Proper care and management are key to their success.

How long does it take for Nicholas White Turkeys to reach maturity?

Nicholas White Turkeys typically reach maturity in about 20 to 24 weeks. Their rapid growth rate is one of the reasons they are popular for meat production. Ensure proper feeding and care to achieve optimal growth within this timeframe.

How do I buy Nicholas White Turkeys in the Philippines?

To buy Nicholas White Turkeys, start by researching local breeders and farms. Verify their reputation and ensure they provide healthy, well-bred birds. Contact them directly to inquire about availability and purchase options.

Are there any specific health issues to watch for in Broad-Breasted White Turkeys?

Common health issues include respiratory infections, parasites, and foot problems. Regular health checks and vaccinations are crucial. Maintain good hygiene and consult a veterinarian if you notice any signs of illness.

What kind of bedding is best for Nicholas White Turkeys?

Use rice straw, hay, or wood shavings as bedding for Nicholas White Turkeys. These materials are absorbent and help maintain a clean and dry environment. Change the bedding regularly to prevent the buildup of moisture and waste.

Can Nicholas White Turkeys be raised in small flocks?

Yes, Nicholas White Turkeys can be raised in small flocks, but ensure they have enough space to move around comfortably. Small flocks can be ideal for hobby farmers or those with limited space. Proper care and management are key to their success.

How often should I feed Broad-Breasted White Turkeys?

Feed Broad-Breasted White Turkeys at least twice a day. Ensure they have access to feed at all times, especially during their growing stages. Adjust their feed quantity based on their age, weight, and growth needs.

What is the expected weight of Nicholas White Turkeys at different ages?

At 1 month of age, hen Nicholas White Turkeys typically weigh around 1 kg, while toms weigh about 1.3 kg. By 2 months, hens average 3.80 kg and toms 4.80 kg. At 3 months, hens generally reach 7.2 kg and toms 9.6 kg. By 4 months, hens weigh approximately 10.50 kg and toms 14.75 kg. At 5 months, hens can weigh around 13.10 kg, with toms reaching 19.70 kg. This growth rate ensures a substantial yield for meat production.

How can I ensure the best quality when buying Broad-Breasted White Turkeys?

To ensure you get the best quality Broad-Breasted White Turkeys, choose Alpha Agventure Farms, which employs the strictest cultural management practices for turkey farming in the Philippines. When inspecting the turkeys, check for clear, bright eyes, smooth and clean feathers, and a robust body condition. Make sure the turkeys are active and alert, with no signs of lethargy or distress. Healthy turkeys should have a well-formed, evenly proportioned body, and their skin should be free of lesions or discoloration.

What are the advantages of raising Broad-Breasted White Turkeys over other breeds?

Broad-Breasted White Turkeys are known for their high meat yield and rapid growth. They are efficient in feed conversion and have a good meat-to-bone ratio. Their large breast size makes them a preferred choice for commercial meat production.

How can I manage the breeding of Nicholas White Turkeys?

For breeding, select healthy and strong turkeys with desirable traits. Provide a conducive environment for mating and monitor the hens for egg laying. Ensure proper incubation conditions for the eggs and provide care for the chicks once hatched.

Do Broad-Breasted White Turkeys go broody, or do I need an artificial incubator?

Broad-Breasted White Turkeys do not go broody; they generally do not exhibit the instinct to incubate their eggs. Therefore, if you are raising these turkeys, you will need an artificial incubator to hatch their eggs. Ensure that the incubator maintains the correct temperature and humidity levels to ensure successful hatching. Providing a controlled environment will help achieve the best results in turkey production. You can buy an incubator from Alpha Agventure Farms.


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