Muscovy Duck


Our Muscovy ducks are purebred lines and vaccinated against Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, and Gumboro disease.

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If you’re searching for a Muscovy duck for sale, you’ve come to the right place. Our Muscovy ducks are highly valued for their rich, flavorful meat, which many consider superior to the more common Philippine Mallard ducks. Additionally, they are prolific layers, producing between 25 to 30 eggs 3 to 4 times annually. Their hardiness makes them well-suited for the variable climate in the Philippines, thriving even in conditions with frequent rain.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we take great pride in our meticulous approach to raising Muscovy ducks. Our comprehensive programs cover every aspect of their care, including specialized housing, careful breeder selection, and detailed egg management. We also employ thorough incubation and brooding procedures to ensure that every duckling gets the best start possible.

Our rigorous feeding program promotes optimal growth and health throughout their lives. In addition, our immunization protocols are robust, protecting against major diseases such as Newcastle Disease (ND), Infectious Bronchitis (IB), and Gumboro Disease. This gives you added assurance of their health and well-being.

For those interested in acquiring high-quality Muscovy ducks, our prices are competitive, and we maintain the highest standards in their care and health. You can find the price of Muscovy ducks and discover Muscovy ducks near you through our farm. Don’t hesitate to buy Muscovy ducks from us today and enhance your poultry collection with these exceptional birds, raised with expertise and care.


1. We deworm Muscovy ducks twice.

To maintain optimal health for our Muscovy ducks, we implement a comprehensive two-phase deworming program. The initial deworming session effectively targets and removes existing internal parasites, addressing those affecting the ducks’ digestive systems. This first treatment is crucial for immediate health improvement and parasite control.

Because parasites can lay eggs that hatch into new worms, we follow up with a second deworming to eliminate any newly hatched parasites. This approach ensures that both adult parasites and their offspring are thoroughly eradicated, providing effective protection against internal parasites and promoting overall health and growth.

2. We administer bacterial flushing to Muscovy ducks for 3 days.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we enhance the health of our Muscovy ducks with a 3-day bacterial flushing regimen. This process cleanses their digestive systems of harmful bacteria, promoting a balanced and resilient immune system. Our commitment to bacterial flushing ensures that your ducks are robust and disease-resistant. This additional care demonstrates our dedication to delivering Muscovy ducks that are not only healthy but also primed for peak performance.

3. We revaccinate Muscovy ducks with ND CLON/H120 and Gumboro.

We take the health and safety of our Muscovy ducks seriously by revaccinating them with ND CLON/H120 and Gumboro vaccines. This revaccination step enhances their protection against Newcastle disease and infectious bursal disease (IBD), which are crucial to preventing serious poultry health issues. Our vaccination program reflects our dedication to providing birds that are well-protected and healthy. With Alpha Agventure Farms, you can trust in the thoroughness of our health protocols.

4. We sanitize duck transport boxes.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, biosecurity is a top priority. We ensure all duck transport boxes are thoroughly sanitized before use. This meticulous cleaning process minimizes the risk of contamination and disease transmission during transportation. Our commitment to maintaining high hygiene standards guarantees that your Muscovy ducks arrive safely and in excellent condition, setting us apart from other suppliers.

5. You can buy feeds, feeders, drinkers, cages, natural vitamins, medicines, and other must-haves in duck farming from us.

Alpha Agventure Farms is your one-stop shop for all duck farming essentials, including feeds, equipment, and supplements. Our comprehensive range of products ensures that you have everything needed for effective poultry management. We pride ourselves on offering high-quality items that support the well-being and productivity of your ducks. Choosing us means gaining access to reliable products and a trusted partner committed to your success in duck farming.

6. You will receive free after-sales support.

If you have any questions or need assistance with raising your Muscovy ducks, we are here to help. Simply send us an email.


The Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) is a large waterfowl native to Central and South America, particularly in regions from Mexico to Argentina. Unlike many other domesticated duck breeds that originate from the wild mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), Muscovy ducks have a distinct lineage, making them unique among domestic ducks. The indigenous peoples of the Americas have raised Muscovy ducks for centuries, valuing them for their meat, eggs, and feathers.

Domestication and Spread

The domestication of the Muscovy duck began long before the arrival of Europeans in the Americas. Indigenous tribes appreciated these ducks for their resilience, ability to thrive in various environments, and their excellent meat quality. The Muscovy duck is distinctively known for its quiet nature, as it does not quack like other duck breeds, making it a favored choice for communities close to settlements.

With the advent of European exploration and colonization in the 16th century, the Muscovy duck was introduced to Europe and other parts of the world. Early explorers and traders recognized the value of this breed and began exporting it to Europe, where it gained popularity for its flavorful meat and robust size. The name “Muscovy” is somewhat of a misnomer, as it mistakenly linked the breed to the Moscow region, despite its New World origins.

Modern-Day Muscovy Ducks

Today, Muscovy ducks are found worldwide and have become a significant component of global poultry farming. They are particularly valued for their lean meat, which is often compared to veal or beef. Muscovy ducks are also used in hybrid breeding programs to produce the “mule duck,” a crossbreed popular in foie gras production.

Beyond their agricultural importance, Muscovy ducks are also popular in ornamental ponds and parks due to their striking appearance and adaptability. Despite their widespread distribution, Muscovy ducks continue to retain their unique characteristics, making them a distinctive and valuable breed in both domestic and wild settings.


Can I use your Muscovy ducks as breeders?

Certainly, you can use our Muscovy ducks as breeders if you choose our gendered packages. There is no blood relationship between the drakes and hens in these packages. For example, in our 5-month-old package, the two drakes might be related to each other but are not related to the eight hens within the fifth degree of consanguinity. Likewise, the eight hens might be related to one another but are not related to the two drakes within the same degree of consanguinity. Therefore, our gendered packages are designed to avoid inbreeding.

Conversely, our ungendered packages are sold as straight-runs, which means there is a possibility of blood-relatedness among them. For this reason, we do not recommend breeding the males and females from these ungendered packages. If you decide to keep the hens as breeders, you can purchase a drake that is ready to breed from us when your hens are around four months old. We will provide a drake that is not related to your hens within the fifth degree of consanguinity. We have a meticulous recording system to ensure we know which ducks are related and which are not.

Do you deliver Muscovy ducks anywhere in the Philippines?

Our Muscovy ducks are only available for pick-up at our designated location in Block 7, Barangay San Manuel, Tarlac City. If you cannot pick up your Muscovy ducks in person, we suggest hiring an animal transporter for safe delivery. We can assist in finding a reliable transporter if necessary. Please provide your address and order details to receive a delivery quote and arrange a pickup. Once the Muscovy ducks are handed over to the transporter, responsibility for their care and safety is transferred from us to them.

Can I pick up my Muscovy ducks tomorrow if I pay today?

The minimum waiting period for Muscovy ducks is 14 days. During this period, we ensure the ducks are in optimal health by delousing, deworming, performing bacterial flushing, and revaccinating them. If there are existing orders ahead of yours, the waiting period may extend beyond 14 days.

Will you teach me how to raise Muscovy ducks if I buy from you?

Absolutely! We are happy to help. Feel free to contact us via email for guidance.

What are the unique characteristics of Muscovy ducks?

Muscovy ducks are unique due to their distinctive appearance and behaviors. They have a striking look with their red facial caruncles, glossy feathers, and varied colors, ranging from white to black and many shades in between. Muscovies are excellent foragers and thrive on natural foods, making them economical to raise. Known for being quieter than other ducks, they communicate through hisses and trills rather than quacks. With Muscovy ducks for sale, you can enjoy their excellent meat quality, which is leaner and has a unique taste compared to other duck breeds.

What is the ideal environment for raising Muscovy ducks?

Muscovy ducks thrive in environments that offer plenty of space, water access, and opportunities for foraging. They need a secure and spacious coop for nighttime safety, with adequate ventilation and protection from predators. A pond or a small body of water enhances their environment, allowing them to swim and forage for natural foods. Muscovies are hardy birds that can adapt to various climates but prefer areas where they can roam freely. Providing a balanced diet and access to fresh water ensures their health and productivity.

Why should I buy Muscovy ducks for my farm?

Choosing to buy Muscovy ducks can be a great addition to your farm due to their multiple benefits. They are renowned for their excellent meat quality, which is leaner and less fatty than other duck breeds. Muscovies are also known for their ability to control insect populations, as they forage extensively for pests, making them beneficial for integrated pest management. Their quiet nature makes them suitable for farms located near residential areas. Investing in Muscovy ducks can enhance your farm’s productivity and sustainability.

How do Muscovy ducks compare to other duck breeds in terms of behavior?

Muscovy ducks differ significantly from other duck breeds in terms of behavior. They are generally quieter and more docile, communicating through hissing and trilling rather than the typical quacking. Muscovies are excellent foragers and spend much of their time searching for food, which helps control pests and weeds. They are also more independent and require less supervision, making them easier to manage. Their calm demeanor and unique foraging abilities make them a popular choice for both small farms and backyard setups.

What factors influence the price of Muscovy ducks?

The price of Muscovy ducks can vary depending on several factors, including their age, sex, color, and genetic quality. Younger ducks, such as ducklings, are generally less expensive than mature ducks. Additionally, the rarity of their color patterns or specific genetic traits can influence their price. Local demand and availability also play a significant role in pricing. When considering the purchase, it’s essential to compare prices from reputable breeders to ensure you get healthy ducks that meet your requirements.

What do Muscovy ducks eat?

Muscovy ducks have a varied diet that includes a mix of natural and commercial foods. They are excellent foragers and consume a wide range of insects, snails, and small fish, which makes them beneficial for pest control. Their diet can be supplemented with commercial duck feed, grains, and fresh vegetables to ensure they receive all necessary nutrients. Providing clean water is crucial for their digestion and overall health. Muscovy ducks’ ability to thrive on diverse foods makes them economical to raise.

How do I find Muscovy ducks for sale?

Finding Muscovy ducks for sale involves researching local breeders, farms, and online platforms that specialize in poultry. Visiting local farms or attending agricultural fairs can also provide opportunities to purchase ducks directly from breeders. It’s essential to choose reputable sellers who offer healthy and well-cared-for ducks. Online forums and poultry groups can provide recommendations and reviews about breeders in your area. Ensure that the ducks you purchase are vaccinated and free from any diseases to guarantee a healthy start for your flock.

Where can I find Muscovy ducks near you?

To find Muscovy ducks near you, start by exploring local farms, poultry breeders, and agricultural supply stores. Online platforms and community forums dedicated to poultry farming can also be valuable resources for locating nearby sellers. Checking classified ads in local newspapers and attending farmers’ markets or livestock auctions can help you connect with breeders. It’s essential to visit the seller’s premises to assess the ducks’ health and living conditions before purchasing. Building relationships with local farmers can also lead to future opportunities for buying and exchanging livestock.

Are Muscovy ducks good for egg production?

Muscovy ducks are not primarily raised for egg production, as they lay fewer eggs compared to other duck breeds like our Pekin Ducks. However, their eggs are larger and have a richer flavor, making them a delicacy for baking and cooking. Muscovies typically lay between 60 to 120 eggs per year, depending on their environment and diet. They are more valued for their meat quality and foraging abilities. If egg production is your primary goal, consider integrating other duck breeds alongside Muscovies for a balanced approach.

How do Muscovy ducks contribute to pest control?

Muscovy ducks are natural pest controllers, thanks to their foraging habits. They consume a wide range of insects, including mosquitoes, flies, beetles, and grasshoppers, which helps reduce pest populations in gardens and farms. Their ability to control pests without the need for chemicals makes them an eco-friendly option for integrated pest management. By allowing Muscovy ducks to roam and forage, you can maintain a healthier environment for your plants and crops. Their pest control capabilities make them valuable allies in sustainable agriculture.

What should I consider before I buy Muscovy ducks?

Before you buy Muscovy ducks, consider factors such as your available space, resources, and purpose for raising them. Ensure you have a secure area with access to water where the ducks can forage and thrive. Evaluate the climate and environment to ensure it suits Muscovy ducks’ needs. Consider the time and effort required for their care and feeding, as well as any local regulations regarding poultry keeping. Understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision and provide the best environment for your ducks.

How do I care for Muscovy ducklings?

Caring for Muscovy ducklings involves providing a safe and warm environment, particularly during the first few weeks of their lives. A brooder with a heat lamp will help maintain the necessary temperature, gradually reducing heat as they grow. Ducklings need a diet rich in protein, such as starter feed formulated for ducks, along with access to fresh water. Regular cleaning of their living area prevents the spread of diseases and ensures a healthy start. Monitoring their growth and health is essential to identify any potential issues early on.

What are the health benefits of raising Muscovy ducks?

Raising Muscovy ducks offers several health benefits, particularly due to their lean meat, which is high in protein and low in fat compared to other poultry. Their meat is a rich source of essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins, contributing to a balanced diet. Additionally, their foraging habits and pest control abilities reduce the need for chemical pesticides, promoting a healthier environment. By raising Muscovy ducks, you can enjoy nutritious meat while contributing to sustainable farming practices.

How do Muscovy ducks adapt to different climates?

Muscovy ducks are highly adaptable birds that can thrive in various climates, from tropical regions to colder areas. Their hardy nature allows them to withstand temperature fluctuations, although they require adequate shelter and protection in extreme conditions. In hot climates, providing shaded areas and access to water helps them stay cool. In colder regions, a well-insulated coop and protection from strong winds are essential. Ensuring that Muscovy ducks have a suitable environment contributes to their overall health and productivity.

How does the price of Muscovy ducks vary with demand?

The price of Muscovy ducks can fluctuate based on local demand and supply dynamics. In areas where these ducks are popular for their meat and pest control abilities, prices may be higher due to increased demand. Conversely, prices may be lower in regions where they are less common. Seasonal factors, such as breeding cycles and availability, can also affect pricing. Keeping an eye on market trends and connecting with local breeders can help you find the best deals and understand price variations.

What makes Muscovy duck meat unique?

Muscovy duck meat is unique due to its rich flavor and lean texture. Unlike other duck breeds, Muscovy meat is lower in fat and has a taste closer to veal or beef than poultry. This distinctive flavor profile makes it a favorite among chefs and culinary enthusiasts. Muscovy meat is versatile and can be prepared in various ways, from roasting to grilling. Its unique qualities and nutritional benefits make it a sought-after choice for those looking to diversify their culinary experiences.

How do I prevent diseases in Muscovy ducks?

Preventing diseases in Muscovy ducks involves maintaining a clean environment, providing proper nutrition, and ensuring regular health checks. Regular cleaning of their coop and living areas helps reduce the risk of infections. A balanced diet with essential vitamins and minerals boosts their immune system. Quarantining new birds before introducing them to the flock can prevent the spread of diseases. Additionally, monitoring for signs of illness and consulting with Alpha Agventure Farms when necessary ensures the health and well-being of your ducks.

What role do Muscovy ducks play in sustainable farming?

Muscovy ducks play a vital role in sustainable farming by naturally controlling pests and reducing the need for chemical interventions. They consume a wide range of insects and weeds, helping to maintain ecological balance in fields and gardens. Their foraging habits also promote soil health by aerating the ground as they search for food. Muscovy ducks are efficient in converting feed to meat, producing lean and nutritious meat with minimal environmental impact. By integrating Muscovies into a farming system, you can enhance biodiversity and sustainability.

How do Muscovy ducks interact with other animals?

Muscovy ducks are generally peaceful and can coexist well with other farm animals such as chickens, goats, and sheep. They are less aggressive than other duck breeds and tend to mind their own business while foraging. However, it’s important to monitor their interactions, especially during feeding times, to prevent competition and ensure all animals have access to food and water. Providing separate feeding areas and shelter can help minimize conflicts. Muscovies can be an excellent addition to a mixed-species farm due to their calm nature.

How can I locate Muscovy ducks near me?

To locate Muscovy ducks near you, explore local resources such as farms, agricultural shows, and online classifieds dedicated to poultry sales. Websites and forums focusing on farming communities can provide leads on where to find Muscovies. Networking with local farmers and attending livestock auctions or farmers’ markets can also help you connect with breeders. Visiting these places gives you the opportunity to assess the ducks’ health and living conditions, ensuring you make a well-informed purchase. Establishing relationships with local breeders can lead to future buying opportunities.


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