Hybrid Turkey


Buy quality hybrid turkeys from Alpha Agventure Farms, the number one backyard farm in the Philippines. Our hybrid turkeys are vaccinated against Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, Gumboro disease, fowl pox, and infectious Coryza.

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Our hybrid turkeys offer numerous advantages that make them a compelling choice for farmers and homesteaders alike. Here are several reasons why considering hybrid turkeys for your flock could be a smart decision.

Firstly, hybrid turkeys are specifically bred for desirable traits such as rapid growth, efficient feed conversion, and high meat yield. This means that compared to heritage breeds, they typically reach market weight in a shorter amount of time, translating to cost savings for the farmer.

Secondly, hybrid turkeys often exhibit robust health and disease resistance, reducing the likelihood of illnesses that can impact a flock’s productivity and profitability.

Additionally, hybrid turkeys are known for their uniformity in size and appearance, making them appealing to consumers and processors who prefer consistency in their meat products.

They are adaptive to various management systems, including intensive or free-range setups, offering flexibility to farmers with different production preferences.

Lastly, the demand for turkey meat continues to grow globally, and hybrid breeds can help meet this demand efficiently due to their superior growth rates and meat quality.

Our Hybrid Turkeys are vaccinated against the Newcastle Disease (ND), Infectious Bronchitis (IB), Infectious Bursal (IB) or Gumboro Disease, Fowl Pox, and Infectious Coryza.


1. We delouse hybrid turkeys 3 months old and above.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we proactively ensure our hybrid turkeys are free from external parasites by beginning the delousing process at 3 months of age. This is crucial for maintaining their health and comfort, preventing irritation and diseases caused by lice.

Our dedication to regular delousing guarantees you receive turkeys that are not only healthier but also happier, which leads to improved growth and productivity. You can trust that our thorough delousing process sets us apart, ensuring you receive the highest quality birds.

2. We deworm hybrid turkeys twice.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we follow a comprehensive two-step deworming program to maintain the optimal health of our hybrid turkeys. The initial deworming targets and removes existing internal parasites, reducing the immediate worm burden. The second treatment is administered later to eliminate any newly hatched worms that were in the egg stage during the first round.

This detailed approach ensures our turkeys remain free from internal parasites, minimizing risks such as nutrient loss and other health issues. By effectively managing the parasite load, our hybrid turkeys can thrive and reach their full growth potential. Our commitment to health and longevity means our birds are among the healthiest available.

3. We administer bacterial flushing to hybrid turkeys for 3 days.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we go above and beyond by providing a 3-day bacterial flushing for our hybrid turkeys, keeping their digestive systems healthy and balanced. This process removes harmful bacteria and supports a stronger immune system, making our turkeys more resilient to diseases.

By choosing our birds, you benefit from improved health and vitality, knowing that our bacterial flushing protocol is unmatched. This extra care ensures you receive turkeys that are not only robust but also prepared for peak performance.

4. We vaccinate our hybrid turkeys.

Our hybrid turkeys are vaccinated against the Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, Gumboro, Fowl Pox, and Coryza. Two weeks before pickup or delivery, we administer booster shots for the Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, and Gumboro. Our vaccination program ensures fully protected, healthy hybrid turkeys for your farm.

5. We sanitize our turkey transport boxes.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we understand the importance of biosecurity and diligently sanitize all turkey transport boxes before delivery. This careful process ensures that our birds are transported in a clean and disease-free environment, minimizing the risk of contamination.

Our sanitized transport boxes demonstrate our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and safety in poultry transportation. You can rely on our attention to cleanliness to ensure a safe arrival for your hybrid turkeys, setting us apart from the competition.

6. You can buy feeds, feeders, drinkers, cages, natural vitamins, medicines, and other must-haves in turkey farming from us.

We are your one-stop shop for all your turkey farming needs. At Alpha Agventure Farms, we provide a comprehensive solution for all turkey farming essentials, offering a wide range of products from feeds to equipment and supplements.

Our one-stop-shop approach ensures you have easy access to everything required for successful poultry management, saving you time and effort. We carefully select and provide only the highest quality products, ensuring your turkeys receive the best care possible. By choosing us, you gain the convenience and assurance of a trusted partner dedicated to your success in turkey farming.


Hybrid turkeys were introduced to the Philippines in the early 2000s as part of efforts to enhance the poultry industry. These turkeys were developed through selective breeding to combine the best traits of various turkey breeds. The introduction aimed to meet the growing demand for high-quality poultry meat.

Early Adoption and Development

The initial batches of hybrid turkeys were imported from North America and Europe, where they were already popular. Filipino farmers quickly adopted these turkeys due to their superior growth rates and meat quality. Government agencies and private enterprises supported this shift by providing training and resources.

Impact on the Poultry Industry

Hybrid turkeys significantly impacted the local poultry industry, offering a viable alternative to traditional turkey breeds. Their rapid growth and higher meat yield made them an attractive option for commercial production. As a result, hybrid turkeys began to dominate the market, reducing the reliance on imported turkey meat.

Challenges and Adaptation

Despite their benefits, hybrid turkeys faced challenges in adapting to the Philippine climate. Farmers had to modify their management practices to ensure the birds thrived in tropical conditions. These challenges led to innovations in turkey farming, including improved housing and feeding techniques.

Growth and Expansion

As knowledge about raising hybrid turkeys spread, more farmers across the Philippines began to invest in turkey production. The expansion was supported by increased access to high-quality turkey breeds and improved market opportunities. Today, hybrid turkeys are a common sight in many Filipino farms.

Future Prospects

The future of hybrid turkeys in the Philippines looks promising, with continued efforts to improve their adaptability and productivity. Ongoing research and development aim to create even more resilient and efficient turkey breeds. As demand for turkey meat continues to grow, hybrid turkeys will likely play a crucial role in meeting this need.


Can I use your hybrid turkeys as breeders?

Yes, you can. The blood-relatedness between the jakes and jennies in the package is not less than five levels of consanguinity.

Do you deliver anywhere in the Philippines?

Our hybrid turkeys are for pick-up only at our designated pickup site in Block 7, Barangay San Manuel, Tarlac City. If unable to pick up, consider hiring an animal transporter. We can assist in finding one if needed. Provide your address and order details for a delivery quote and schedule. Once with the transporter, the hybrid turkeys are no longer our responsibility.

Can I pick up my hybrid turkeys tomorrow if I pay today?

The minimum waiting period is 14 days because we need to delouse, deworm, administer bacterial flushing, and revaccinate your hybrid turkeys. It could be longer than 14 days if there are other orders ahead of yours.

Will you teach me how to raise hybrid turkeys if I buy from you?

Yes, we will. You are more than welcome to email all your questions on turkey farming.

What are the benefits of buying hybrid turkeys over purebred turkeys?

Hybrid turkeys offer several advantages over purebred turkeys, making them a popular choice for both small and large-scale producers. They typically exhibit hybrid vigor, which means they can grow faster and have better feed efficiency. This can lead to a higher meat yield in a shorter time, which can be beneficial for your bottom line. Hybrid turkeys are often more resilient to diseases and environmental stress, making them an ideal choice for farmers looking for reliable birds. If you’re looking for hybrid turkeys near you, they can often be found at local farms or through specialized poultry suppliers such as Alpha Agventure Farms.

Where can I find hybrid turkeys for sale?

If you’re looking to buy hybrid turkeys, many options are available to suit your needs. You can check local farms, agricultural expos, or online marketplaces specializing in livestock. Searching for hybrid turkeys near you will often yield the most convenient options, but nationwide suppliers can also ship turkeys to your location. When considering the price of hybrid turkeys, remember that it can vary based on factors like age, breed specifics, and delivery costs.

How do I care for hybrid turkeys in a tropical climate?

Hybrid turkeys can thrive in tropical climates with proper care. They require adequate shade, ventilation, and access to clean water to prevent heat stress. Ensure their housing is well-ventilated to maintain a comfortable temperature. During hot months, it might be necessary to provide fans or misting systems to cool them down. When buying hybrid turkeys, choose breeds known for heat tolerance, as this can improve their productivity and welfare in tropical settings.

What should I feed my hybrid turkeys for optimal growth?

Feeding hybrid turkeys a balanced diet is crucial for optimal growth and health. Start with a high-protein feed specifically formulated for turkeys, especially during their early growth stages. Gradually transition to a lower-protein diet as they mature. Providing grains, vegetables, and commercial poultry feed can ensure they get the necessary nutrients. Always provide clean, fresh water, and consider supplements or additives to enhance their growth and immune system, especially if you are raising them for meat production.

How do hybrid turkeys differ from traditional breeds?

Hybrid turkeys are specifically bred to combine desirable traits from various breeds, often resulting in improved growth rates, feed efficiency, and resilience to diseases. They tend to be larger and reach market weight faster than traditional breeds, making them an attractive option for commercial production. If you’re interested in the price of hybrid turkeys, it’s important to compare it with that of traditional breeds, as hybrids might offer better returns on investment due to their enhanced growth performance.

What is the average price of hybrid turkeys?

The price of hybrid turkeys can vary depending on several factors, including their age, size, and breed. Typically, day-old poults are less expensive, with prices increasing as the birds grow. When considering buying hybrid turkeys, account for additional costs like feed, housing, and healthcare. Local markets may offer competitive prices, but you might find better deals if you look for hybrid turkeys for sale through online platforms or specialized suppliers, such as Alpha Agventure Farms.

How can I ensure the health of my hybrid turkeys?

Ensuring the health of hybrid turkeys involves several key practices. Maintain a clean and spacious environment to reduce stress and disease risk. Regularly monitor their health for any signs of illness, such as lethargy or abnormal droppings. Vaccinations and deworming should be part of your health management routine. Providing a balanced diet and clean water is crucial, as is preventing overcrowding, which can lead to increased disease transmission. When buying hybrid turkeys, inquire about the health history and any vaccinations received.

Are hybrid turkeys suitable for backyard farming?

Hybrid turkeys can be an excellent choice for backyard farming due to their fast growth and efficient feed conversion. They require sufficient space to roam and a secure coop to protect them from predators. Adequate fencing and housing are essential to provide them with a safe environment. When considering hybrid turkeys for sale, research their specific care requirements to ensure they can thrive in your backyard setup. Regularly check their health and provide fresh food and water for optimal results.

How do I select the best hybrid turkeys for my farm?

When selecting hybrid turkeys for your farm, consider factors such as growth rate, feed efficiency, and disease resistance. Research different hybrid strains to find the one that best suits your farming goals, whether for meat production or breeding. When buying hybrid turkeys, ask about their lineage and any performance data available. Consider your farm’s climate and environment to choose a breed that will thrive in those conditions. Finding hybrid turkeys near you from reputable breeders ensures healthy, high-quality birds.

How can I market my hybrid turkeys effectively?

Marketing hybrid turkeys effectively involves understanding your target audience and emphasizing the benefits of hybrid breeds, such as their growth rates and meat quality. Utilize social media platforms, local farmer markets, and agricultural fairs to reach potential customers. Highlight any certifications or unique qualities your turkeys possess. If you have hybrid turkeys for sale, showcase them with professional photos and detailed descriptions online. Transparency about the price of hybrid turkeys, care practices, and customer testimonials can help build trust and attract buyers.

What housing requirements do hybrid turkeys need?

Hybrid turkeys require well-ventilated, spacious housing to ensure their comfort and health. Provide a coop that protects them from harsh weather conditions and predators. The housing should have ample space, approximately 1.5 to 2 square meters per bird, to prevent overcrowding and stress. Use bedding materials like straw or wood shavings to keep the area clean and dry. When buying hybrid turkeys, ensure you have the appropriate setup to accommodate their needs and promote healthy growth.

How can I breed hybrid turkeys on my farm?

Breeding hybrid turkeys requires careful selection of parent stock to achieve desired traits such as growth rate, meat quality, or disease resistance. When planning to breed, separate your breeding pairs and ensure they receive a balanced diet to support their reproductive health. If you’re looking to buy hybrid turkeys specifically for breeding, seek guidance from experienced breeders, such as Alpha Agventure Farms, to understand best practices and maximize your breeding program’s success.

Are hybrid turkeys profitable for commercial farming?

Hybrid turkeys are often profitable for commercial farming due to their rapid growth rates and efficient feed conversion. They typically reach market weight faster than traditional breeds, allowing for quicker turnover and higher meat yield. When evaluating the price of hybrid turkeys, consider their potential return on investment, including feed and healthcare costs. Choosing high-quality hybrids and maintaining good management practices can enhance profitability. Look for hybrid turkeys for sale from reputable suppliers to ensure healthy and productive stock for your farm.

What diseases commonly affect hybrid turkeys?

Hybrid turkeys, like all poultry, can be susceptible to diseases such as avian influenza, fowl cholera, and Newcastle disease. Regular health checks, vaccinations, and biosecurity measures can help prevent outbreaks. Maintaining a clean environment and reducing stress are essential for minimizing disease risk. If you’re considering buying hybrid turkeys, inquire about their health history and any vaccinations they have received. Being aware of potential health issues and implementing preventative measures will help ensure the well-being of your flock.

How do I transport hybrid turkeys safely?

Transporting hybrid turkeys safely requires careful planning and consideration of their comfort and stress levels. Use well-ventilated crates or carriers that provide enough space for each bird. Avoid overcrowding and ensure the transport vehicle is cool and secure. Schedule transport during cooler parts of the day to prevent heat stress. When purchasing hybrid turkeys for sale, ask about their previous transport experiences and any recommendations for safe handling. Ensuring their comfort during transport will help maintain their health and well-being.

What is the ideal climate for raising hybrid turkeys?

Hybrid turkeys are adaptable and can be raised in various climates, though some hybrids may perform better in specific conditions. Ideally, they require a moderate climate with controlled temperature and humidity. Providing adequate shade, ventilation, and water is crucial in hotter climates. In colder regions, ensure they have well-insulated housing to protect them from the cold. When searching for hybrid turkeys near you, consider the local climate and choose a breed known for its adaptability to those conditions.

How do I integrate hybrid turkeys into an existing flock?

Integrating hybrid turkeys into an existing flock requires careful management to reduce stress and prevent aggression. Start by quarantining the new birds for a few weeks to monitor their health and gradually introduce them to the existing flock. Use a neutral area where both groups can interact under supervision. Observe their behavior closely and separate any aggressive individuals. If you’re planning to buy hybrid turkeys, ensure they are of similar age and size to the existing flock for smoother integration.

What is the best time of year to buy hybrid turkeys?

The best time to buy hybrid turkeys depends on your farming goals and local climate. Spring and early summer are popular times to purchase poults, as the warmer weather promotes growth and development. This timing allows them to reach market weight before winter. Consider local availability when searching for hybrid turkeys for sale and plan your purchase accordingly. If you’re looking for hybrid turkeys near you, check with local breeders or farms for their availability schedule and recommended timing for your area.

How do I choose a reliable supplier for hybrid turkeys?

Choosing a reliable supplier for hybrid turkeys involves researching potential sources and assessing their reputation and quality of stock. Look for suppliers with a history of providing healthy, high-quality birds. Ask for recommendations from other farmers and check online reviews or testimonials. When evaluating hybrid turkeys for sale, inquire about their breeding practices, health records, and any guarantees they offer. A reputable supplier will provide support and information about the care and management of the turkeys.

How much space do hybrid turkeys need?

Hybrid turkeys require ample space to ensure their well-being and healthy growth. Ideally, each turkey should have about 1.5 to 2 square meters of space in a coop and access to a larger outdoor area for exercise. Providing sufficient space reduces stress, aggression, and the risk of disease. When you buy hybrid turkeys, plan your facilities to accommodate their space requirements, as overcrowding can lead to health issues and decreased productivity. Adequate space supports their natural behaviors and overall health.

What is the difference between hybrid turkeys and broiler chickens?

Hybrid turkeys and broiler chickens are both bred for meat production, but they differ in size, growth rate, and management requirements. Hybrid turkeys typically grow larger and take longer to reach market weight compared to broiler chickens. They require more space, feed, and management due to their size and unique needs. When considering the price of hybrid turkeys, keep in mind their longer growth period and potential for higher meat yield, which can impact overall profitability.

How do hybrid turkeys contribute to sustainable farming?

Hybrid turkeys can contribute to sustainable farming practices by offering efficient feed conversion, faster growth rates, and improved resilience to diseases. These traits reduce the resources needed for production, leading to a lower environmental impact. Their adaptability to various climates and resistance to common poultry diseases make them a reliable choice for sustainable farming operations. When exploring hybrid turkeys for sale, consider their potential role in enhancing your farm’s sustainability goals through reduced resource consumption and improved productivity.

What are the key considerations for buying hybrid turkeys?

When buying hybrid turkeys, several factors should be considered to ensure a successful purchase. Assess the health and condition of the turkeys, checking for signs of illness or stress. Consider the price of hybrid turkeys, which can vary based on age, breed, and supplier. Evaluate your farm’s capacity to provide adequate housing, feed, and care. Look for hybrid turkeys near you to minimize transport stress and ensure you have access to support and information from local breeders or suppliers.

What should I do if my hybrid turkeys show signs of illness?

If your hybrid turkeys show signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or abnormal droppings, take immediate action to identify and address the issue. Separate sick birds from the rest of the flock to prevent disease spread. Consult a veterinarian to diagnose and treat the illness. Maintaining a clean environment and ensuring proper nutrition and care can help prevent illnesses. When you buy hybrid turkeys, inquire about common health issues and recommended preventative measures to protect your flock.


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