Dekalb Brown


Our vaccinated Dekalb Brown F1 RTLs are renowned for laying up to 500 eggs on their first year.

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Dekalb Brown F1 Layers, also known as Dekalb Brown RTLs, are celebrated for their exceptional egg-laying capabilities and durability, ensuring high performance and reliability. If you’re looking to enhance egg production, buy Dekalb Brown F1 Layers for a breed that delivers a high volume of quality eggs with consistent size and strong shells. Ideal for commercial operations, they efficiently convert feed into eggs, optimizing feed use and reducing costs.

Their adaptability to various environments is a key advantage. Whether in large-scale commercial farms or smaller, free-range setups, Dekalb Brown RTLs excel and maintain high productivity. They are robust and resilient, minimizing disease risk and reducing medical interventions. Additionally, our Dekalb Browns are vaccinated against Newcastle Disease, Gumboro, Infectious Bronchitis, Fowl Pox, and Coryza, ensuring their health and longevity.

Dekalb Brown RTLs are also easy to manage due to their calm demeanor, simplifying handling and routine care. They reach peak production early and sustain high laying rates over time, providing a reliable income stream for farmers.

Investing in Dekalb Brown F1 Layers means securing an efficient, high-performing layer breed. With proven performance, adaptability, and ease of management, they are a valuable asset for any poultry operation. For those interested, we have Dekalb Brown for sale, ensuring high productivity, lower costs, and consistent egg quality.


1. We deworm Dekalb Brown layers twice.

To guarantee the optimal health of our Dekalb Brown layers, we implement a two-phase deworming program. The first deworming targets and eliminates existing internal parasites in the chickens’ intestines, addressing active infestations and preventing immediate health issues. The second deworming is scheduled to eliminate any newly hatched worms that emerged from eggs laid after the initial treatment. This comprehensive approach ensures that both adult parasites and their offspring are eradicated, supporting the overall health and growth of our layers.

2. We administer bacterial flushing to Dekalb Brown layers for 3 days.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we go the extra mile by providing a 3-day bacterial flushing to our Dekalb Brown layers, promoting a healthy and balanced digestive system. This process helps eliminate harmful bacteria and supports a stronger immune system, making our layers more resilient against diseases. By choosing our birds, you benefit from enhanced health and vitality, knowing that our bacterial flushing protocol is unique and thorough, ensuring robust and high-performing layers.

4. We vaccinate our Dekalb Browns.

Our Dekalb Browns are vaccinated against the Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, and Gumboro disease. Two weeks before pickup or delivery, we administer booster shots for the Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, and Gumboro. Our vaccination program ensures fully protected, healthy Dekalb Browns for your farm.

5. We sanitize chicken transport boxes.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we understand the importance of biosecurity and take pride in sanitizing all chicken transport boxes before delivery. This thorough process ensures that our birds are transported in a clean and disease-free environment, minimizing the risk of contamination. Our attention to hygiene and safety in poultry transportation reflects our dedication to maintaining the highest standards, ensuring your Dekalb Brown layers arrive safely and in excellent condition.

6. You will get FREE access to the Module 1 of our prerecorded Chicken Farming Seminar.

We provide exclusive access to the Module 1 of our prerecorded Chicken Farming Seminar, designed to equip you with expert knowledge and best practices. Our Module 1 covers a range of topics from breed selection to health management, giving you the tools needed for success. By offering this resource, we make it easy for you to replicate our proven strategies and achieve the same level of success in your poultry endeavors.

7. You can buy feeds, feeders, drinkers, cages, natural vitamins, medicines, and other must-haves in chicken farming from us.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we offer a comprehensive range of products for all your chicken farming needs, including feeds, feeders, drinkers, cages, natural vitamins, and medicines. Our one-stop shop approach ensures convenient access to high-quality products, supporting your success in poultry management. By choosing us, you gain a trusted partner committed to providing everything you need for effective and efficient chicken farming.


The Dekalb Brown chicken is a product of selective breeding and genetic improvement aimed at optimizing egg production efficiency. The breed was developed by DeKalb Poultry Research, a company founded in 1944 in DeKalb, Illinois, USA. The company initially focused on developing high-yield corn and hybrid seeds but later expanded into poultry genetics to meet the growing demand for more productive and efficient layers.

Development of the Dekalb Brown Chicken

In the mid-20th century, the poultry industry was undergoing significant transformations, with increased emphasis on productivity and efficiency to meet the rising demand for eggs and poultry meat. DeKalb Poultry Research capitalized on these advancements by applying their genetic expertise to poultry. They focused on creating a breed that combined the best traits of various high-performing chicken lines.

Characteristics of Dekalb Brown Layers

The Dekalb Brown emerged as a hybrid layer designed to excel in egg production, hardiness, and adaptability. This breed is particularly known for its high egg yield, laying a large number of brown-shelled eggs. The hens are efficient feed converters, meaning they produce a substantial number of eggs relative to the amount of feed they consume, making them economically advantageous for commercial egg producers.

Popularity and Refinement of the Dekalb Brown

Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the Dekalb Brown gained popularity among poultry farmers due to its consistent performance and reliability. The breed’s adaptability to different environmental conditions and management systems further contributed to its widespread adoption. DeKalb Poultry Research continued to refine and enhance the genetic traits of the Dekalb Brown, ensuring that the breed remained competitive in an evolving industry.

Legacy of Dekalb Brown Chickens

Today, the Dekalb Brown remains a staple in commercial egg production, valued for its robustness, productivity, and the quality of its eggs. The breed’s development is a testament to the advancements in poultry genetics and the ongoing efforts to improve agricultural productivity through scientific innovation. The legacy of the Dekalb Brown continues as it plays a crucial role in meeting global egg demand efficiently.


Can I use your Dekalb Brown F1 Layers as breeders?

No, you can’t. Our Dekalb Brown layers are F1s and not parent stocks. We do not sell parent stocks yet.

Do you deliver anywhere in the Philippines?

All items are for pick-up only at our designated zone in Block 7, Barangay San Manuel, Tarlac City. If unable to pick up Dekalb Brown Layers, consider hiring an animal transporter. We can assist in finding one if needed. Provide your address and order details for a delivery quote and schedule. Once with the transporter, Dekalb Brown Layers are no longer our responsibility.

Can I pick up my Dekalb Brown F1 Layers tomorrow if I pay today?

The minimum waiting period is 14 days because we need to deworm, administer bacterial flushing, and revaccinate your Dekalb Browns. It could be longer than 14 days if there are other orders ahead of yours.

Will you teach me how to raise Dekalb Brown F1 Layers if I buy from you?

Yes! You will get free access to the Module 1 of our Chicken Farming Seminar. The featured breed of chicken in our seminar is the Rhode Island Red, but the lessons are applicable to Dekalb Browns as well.

What are Dekalb Brown chickens?

Dekalb Brown chickens are a hybrid breed developed specifically for high egg production. They are known for their excellent laying abilities, typically producing around 300 to 330 large brown eggs annually. In addition to their productivity, they are valued for their calm and friendly demeanor, making them suitable for both commercial farms and backyard flocks.

Where did Dekalb Brown chickens originate?

Dekalb Brown chickens were developed by Dekalb Poultry Research, Inc., a company based in the United States. The breed is a result of extensive selective breeding aimed at producing a chicken that excels in egg production, has a robust health profile, and can thrive in various environmental conditions.

What do Dekalb Brown chickens look like?

Dekalb Brown chickens have a distinctive appearance with reddish-brown feathers and white under-feathers. They have a single comb that is bright red, along with matching red wattles and earlobes. Their legs are yellow, and they have a sturdy, well-proportioned body. This combination of features makes them easily recognizable.

How large do Dekalb Brown chickens get?

Dekalb Brown hens typically weigh between 1.8 to 2.3 kg, while roosters can weigh slightly more, averaging around 2.3 to 2.7 kg. Their moderate size makes them easy to handle, which is advantageous for both commercial egg producers and small flock owners.

How many eggs do Dekalb Brown chickens lay?

Dekalb Brown hens are known for their prolific egg-laying capabilities. On average, a single hen can lay between 300 to 330 large brown eggs per year. This high level of productivity makes them a top choice for egg producers looking to maximize their yield.

At what age do Dekalb Brown hens start laying eggs?

Dekalb Brown hens typically start laying eggs at around 18 to 20 weeks of age. This early onset of egg production, combined with their high laying rate, makes them an efficient breed for those looking to start gathering eggs relatively quickly after acquiring their flock.

What color are the eggs laid by Dekalb Brown chickens?

The eggs laid by Dekalb Brown chickens are large and brown. The consistent color and size of their eggs make them appealing to both consumers and producers. Brown eggs are often perceived as more natural and are a popular choice in many markets.

What type of housing is best for Dekalb Brown chickens?

Dekalb Browns thrive in secure, well-ventilated coops with enough space to move around comfortably. Each chicken should have at least 4 square feet of space in the coop and 8 to 10 square feet in the run. The coop should include nesting boxes, roosting bars, and protection from predators.

What should I feed Dekalb Brown chickens?

A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining the health and productivity of Dekalb Brown chickens. They should be fed a high-quality layer feed rich in protein, calcium, and phosphorus to support egg production. Additionally, they can benefit from grains, vegetables, and occasional treats. Fresh water should always be available.

How much space do Dekalb Brown chickens need?

Each Dekalb Brown chicken should have at least 4 square feet of space inside the coop to ensure they are comfortable and can exhibit natural behaviors. Additionally, they should have access to 8 to 10 square feet of outdoor run space. Adequate space is important for their well-being and to prevent stress-related issues.

Are Dekalb Brown chickens friendly?

Yes, Dekalb Brown chickens are known for their friendly and calm demeanor. They are generally easy to handle and can be quite social, making them a good choice for backyard flocks and families. Their docile nature also helps them integrate well with other chicken breeds.

Do Dekalb Brown chickens get along with other chicken breeds?

Dekalb Brown chickens are typically very social and get along well with other chicken breeds. Their calm and friendly nature means they can be integrated into mixed flocks without much trouble. However, it’s important to monitor their interactions initially to ensure a smooth introduction.

What is the average lifespan of a Dekalb Brown chicken?

With proper care, Dekalb Brown chickens can live 5 to 7 years, although some may live longer. Their lifespan can be influenced by factors such as diet, housing conditions, and overall health care. Regular health checks and a clean living environment are crucial for ensuring their longevity.

What common health issues should I watch for in Dekalb Brown chickens?

Common health issues for Dekalb Brown chickens include respiratory problems, parasites (like mites and lice), and egg-laying issues such as egg binding. Regular health checks, maintaining cleanliness, and providing a balanced diet can help prevent many of these problems. Vaccinations and prompt veterinary care are also recommended.

Can I breed Dekalb Brown chickens?

Yes, you can breed Dekalb Brown chickens if, and only if, you have the Parent Stocks. F1s cannot be bred. It’s important to note that they are a hybrid breed.

Do Dekalb Brown hens go broody?

Dekalb Brown hens are not typically known for going broody. They have been bred primarily for egg production, so their instinct to sit on eggs and hatch them is not as strong as in some other breeds.

Can Dekalb Brown chickens tolerate cold weather?

Dekalb Brown chickens are reasonably hardy and can tolerate cold weather to an extent. However, they should be provided with a well-insulated coop to protect them from extreme cold and drafts. Adequate bedding, such as rice hull, can also help keep them warm during the rainy months.

Are Dekalb Brown chickens suitable for hot climates?

Dekalb Brown chickens can tolerate hot climates reasonably well. It’s important to provide them with plenty of shade and fresh water to prevent heat stress. Ventilation in the coop is also crucial to keep them cool. During extremely hot weather, additional measures like misters or fans may be necessary.

Where can I buy Dekalb Brown chickens?

Dekalb Brown chickens can be purchased from Alpha Agventure Farms. It’s important to choose a reliable source to ensure you are getting healthy birds. Our Dekalb Browns are bred to the highest standards and are vaccinated.

How much do Dekalb Brown chickens cost?

The price of our Dekalb Brown chickens, together with the minimum order, is mentioned on the table above the FAQ section.

What supplements do Dekalb Brown chickens need?

In addition to a balanced layer feed, we mix our proprietary Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN) into the drinking water of our Dekalb Brown chickens. The ratio is 2 tablespoons of OHN per liter of water. We administer this two to three times a week.

Can Dekalb Brown chickens be free-range?

Yes, Dekalb Brown chickens can be free-range and often benefit from it. Free-ranging allows them to forage for insects, seeds, and grasses, which can supplement their diet and provide additional nutrients. It also helps them engage in natural behaviors, which can improve their overall well-being.

How do I handle Dekalb Brown chickens?

When handling Dekalb Brown chickens, it’s important to be gentle and calm to avoid stressing them. Approach them slowly and speak softly. Support their body, especially their wings, to prevent flapping. Regular handling from a young age can help them become more accustomed to human interaction.

How do I introduce new Dekalb Brown chickens to my flock?

Introducing new chickens should be done gradually to minimize stress and aggression. Start by quarantining the new birds for 30 days to ensure they are healthy. Then, allow the birds to see each other through a barrier before slowly integrating them. Monitor closely for any signs of bullying.

How do I ensure high egg quality from my Dekalb Brown chickens?

To ensure high egg quality, provide your Dekalb Browns with a balanced diet rich in protein, calcium, and phosphorus. Maintain clean nesting boxes and collect eggs regularly to prevent contamination. Proper storage in a cool, dry place or refrigeration will help preserve the eggs’ freshness and quality.

How should I store eggs from Dekalb Brown chickens?

Eggs should be stored in a cool, dry place or refrigerated to maintain freshness. It’s best to keep them in a carton with the pointed end down to prevent the yolk from touching the air cell. Proper storage can extend the shelf life of eggs to several weeks.

What kind of enrichment do Dekalb Brown chickens need?

Dekalb Brown chickens benefit from various forms of enrichment to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. This includes access to perches, dust baths, and areas for foraging. Providing treats in different ways, such as hanging forages and vegetables, can also keep them engaged and reduce boredom.

Do Dekalb Brown chickens require companionship?

Yes, chickens are social animals and thrive in the company of their own kind. Dekalb Browns should be kept in small groups or flocks to ensure their social needs are met. Loneliness can lead to stress and behavioral issues, so it’s important to provide them with adequate companionship.

Are Dekalb Brown chickens cost-effective for egg production?

Dekalb Brown chickens are highly cost-effective for egg production due to their prolific laying capabilities. Their high feed-to-egg conversion ratio means they produce a significant number of eggs relative to the amount of feed consumed. This makes them a popular choice for both small-scale and commercial egg producers.

What are the ongoing costs of keeping Dekalb Brown chickens?

Ongoing costs include feed and healthcare. Regular purchases of layer feed and occasional supplements are necessary. Healthcare costs may include vaccinations, parasite treatments, and potential veterinary visits. Budgeting for these expenses ensures the well-being of your flock.


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