Black Australorp


Our Black Australorp chickens are purebred lines and vaccinated against Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, Gumboro disease, fowl pox, and infectious Coryza.

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We offer purebred Black Australorp chickens for sale, celebrated for their outstanding laying capacity and overall robust health. Our breeding stock comprises island-born offspring of Black Australorps imported from Iowa and Pennsylvania, guaranteeing exceptional genetics and quality.

We use a semi-purist approach to poultry care, crafting our own phytobiotics, natural dewormers, and supplements, including vitamins and minerals. This method not only combats Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) but also promotes environmentally friendly and sustainable poultry farming practices.

Our meticulous care programs encompass Housing, Breeder Selection, Egg Selection, Incubation, Brooding, Feeding, Immunization, Growing, Laying, and Disease Management. Each of these programs is designed to ensure our Black Australorps perform at their best.

Our Black Australorps receive thorough vaccinations against common poultry diseases. Day-old chicks are vaccinated for Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bronchitis (IB), and by one month of age, they are also protected against Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD), Fowl Pox, and Infectious Coryza.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we are dedicated to providing high-quality Black Australorp chickens. Buy purebred Black Australorp chickens from us for exceptional health and performance. Discover our Black Australorps for sale and see the difference in quality.


1. We delouse Black Australorps 3 months old and above.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we ensure our Black Australorps are free from parasites by delousing them from 3 months old. This proactive measure helps maintain their health and comfort, preventing irritation and disease caused by lice. Our commitment to regular delousing means you receive chickens that are healthier and happier, leading to better growth and productivity. Our meticulous delousing process ensures you receive the best quality birds.

2. We deworm Black Australorps twice.

To ensure the optimal health of our Black Australorps, we implement a two-phase deworming program. The first deworming targets and eliminates existing internal parasites in the chickens’ intestines, addressing immediate health concerns.

The second deworming is scheduled to eradicate any newly hatched worms that emerged from eggs laid during the first treatment. This follow-up ensures that both adult parasites and their offspring are effectively eliminated, supporting the overall health and growth of our chickens. This comprehensive approach maintains the highest standards of well-being and performance for our Black Australorps.

3. We administer bacterial flushing to Black Australorps for 3 days.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we provide a 3-day bacterial flushing to our Black Australorps, ensuring their digestive systems are healthy and balanced. This process eliminates harmful bacteria and promotes a stronger immune system, making our chickens more resilient against diseases. By choosing our birds, you benefit from enhanced health and vitality, knowing that our bacterial flushing protocol is unique and unparalleled. This extra care ensures you receive chickens that are robust and primed for peak performance.

4. We vaccinate our Black Australorps.

Our Black Australorp chickens are vaccinated against Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, Gumboro, Fowl Pox, and Coryza. Two weeks before pickup or delivery, we administer booster shots for Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, and Gumboro. Our vaccination program ensures fully protected, healthy Black Australorps for your farm.

5. We sanitize chicken transport boxes.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we understand the importance of biosecurity and take pride in sanitizing all chicken transport boxes before delivery. This meticulous process ensures that our birds are transported in a clean and disease-free environment, minimizing the risk of contamination. Our sanitized transport boxes reflect our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and safety in poultry transportation. You can trust that our careful attention to cleanliness guarantees a safe arrival for your Black Australorps, setting us apart from the competition.

6. You will get FREE access to the Module 1 of our prerecorded Chicken Farming Seminar video.

We provide exclusive access to the Module 1 of our prerecorded Chicken Farming Seminar video, designed to empower you with expert knowledge and best practices. Our Module 1 covers a wide range of topics, from breed selection to health management, ensuring you have all the tools you need to succeed. By offering this resource, we make it easy for you to replicate our proven strategies and achieve the same level of success. The featured chicken in the video is the Rhode Island Red, but you can apply most of the lessons to Black Australorps as well.

7. You can buy feeds, feeders, drinkers, cages, natural vitamins, medicines, and other must-haves in chicken farming from us.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we are your comprehensive solution for all chicken farming essentials, offering a wide range of products from feeds to equipment and supplements.

Our one-stop shop approach ensures you have easy access to everything you need for successful poultry management, saving you time and effort. We carefully select and provide only the highest quality products, ensuring that your chickens receive the best care possible. By choosing us, you gain the convenience and assurance of a trusted partner dedicated to your success in chicken farming.


The Black Australorp is a breed of chicken that originated in Australia in the early 20th century. Its development began with the importation of Black Orpingtons from England by William Cook and Joseph Partington between 1890 and the early 1900s.

These birds were initially intended for meat production, but Australian breeders focused on enhancing their egg-laying capabilities. Through selective breeding, including crossbreeding with Rhode Island Red, Minorca, White Leghorn, and Langshan, they developed a new breed known as the Australorp, which stands for “Australian Orpington.”

Naming the Black Australorp

The name “Australorp” is a combination of “Australia” and “Orpington.” The origin of the name is somewhat controversial, with multiple claims to its creation. William Wallace Scott is credited with using the name before World War I and working towards the breed’s recognition by the Poultry Society.

Arthur Harwood also suggested the name “Australs,” with the “orp” suffix denoting the Orpington breed. The name “Australorp” was widely adopted by the early 1920s and officially recognized in 1929 when the breed was admitted to the Standard of Perfection.

Black Australorp Characteristics

Black Australorps are renowned for their glossy black feathers with a greenish-purple sheen. They have a single comb, red wattles, and earlobes, and their eyes are dark brown. The breed is recognized in three colors according to the Australian Poultry Standard: black, white, and blue.

The Poultry Club South Africa recognizes additional colors, including buff, splash, wheaten laced, and golden. Both bantam and standard-sized Black Australorps are available.

Egg Production of Black Australorps

The Black Australorp is famous for its egg-laying prowess. In 1922-1923, a team of six hens set a world record by laying 1857 eggs, averaging 309.5 eggs per hen over 365 days without the use of modern lighting regimens. This achievement brought international attention and demand for the breed.

Black Australorps can lay approximately 250 light-brown eggs per year, with some records showing a hen laying 364 eggs in 365 days. Their excellent egg production, combined with their calm and friendly temperament, makes them a popular choice for both backyard and commercial egg farmers.

The Global Popularity of Black Australorps

The Black Australorp gained international recognition in the 1920s due to its exceptional egg-laying performance. The breed’s world-record achievements led to widespread popularity in the Western world. Black Australorps became one of the eight poultry breeds created in Australia and recognized by the Australian Poultry Standards.

The breed’s versatility and utility features, including their good nest-sitting and mothering abilities, contribute to their status as one of the most popular large heritage utility breeds of chicken.

Black Australorps remain a testament to successful selective breeding, combining the best traits of their Orpington ancestors with the unique qualities developed in Australia. Their remarkable egg production, hardiness, and friendly nature continue to make them a favorite among poultry enthusiasts worldwide.


Can I use your Black Australorps as breeders?

There’s no blood-relatedness between the pullets and cockerels for our gendered packages.  For example, in the 5-month-old package, the two cockerels could be blood-related with each other but they’re not blood-related up to fifth degree to the eight pullets. In the same way, the eight pullets might be blood-related with each other but they are not blood-related up to fifth degree with the two cockerels. So, insofar as inbreeding is concerned, it is avoided with our gendered packages.

On the other hand, our ungendered packages are straight-runs. Blood-relatedness is possible among straight-runs. So, you have to choose which between the pullets and cockerels you’ll keep as candidate breeders when they grew up.

Meanwhile, the full sexual maturity of a Black Australorp is met once it reaches eight months. Expect a few possible phenotype (physical appearance) changes on your Black Australorps once they hit eight months old. In your free access to the Module 1 of our Chicken Farming Seminar, you will learn not only our Breeder Selection Program but the entirety of heritage chicken-raising practices.

Do you deliver Black Australorps anywhere in the Philippines?

Our Black Australorps are for pick-up only at our designated zone in Block 7, Barangay San Manuel, Tarlac City. If unable to pick up your Black Australorps, consider hiring an animal transporter. We can assist in finding one if needed. Provide your address and order details for a delivery quote and schedule. Once with the transporter, the Black Australorps are no longer our responsibility.

Can I pick up my Black Australorps tomorrow if I pay today?

The minimum waiting period is 14 days because we need to delouse, deworm, administer bacterial flushing, and revaccinate your Black Australorps. It could be longer than 14 days if there are other orders ahead of yours.

Will you teach me how to raise Black Australorps if I buy from you?

Yes! You will get free access to the Module 1 of our Chicken Farming Seminar. The featured breed of chicken in our seminar is the Rhode Island Red, but the lessons are applicable to Black Australorps, too.

What is the average weight of a purebred Black Australorp?

Black Australorp roosters typically weigh between 3 to 4.5 kilograms, while hens usually weigh around 2 to 3.6 kilograms. These weights make them one of the heavier breeds, which is beneficial for both meat and egg production.

How many eggs can a Black Australorp hen lay annually?

A Black Australorp hen is known for her prolific egg-laying ability, producing around 250 to 300 eggs on the first 100 weeks of their life. This high egg production makes them a popular choice for backyard and commercial egg farmers.

What is the ideal temperature range for raising Black Australorps?

Black Australorps thrive in temperatures between 15°C to 25°C. They are hardy birds that can tolerate both hot and cold climates, but maintaining this temperature range ensures optimal health and productivity.

What should be the protein content in the feed for Black Australorps?

The feed for Black Australorps should have a protein content of around 16-18% for optimal growth and egg production. Providing a balanced diet with the right protein levels supports their health and productivity. For your convenience, you can buy the feeds you need from Alpha Agventure Farms, so you don’t need to worry about the feed transition procedure to other feeds.

At what age do Black Australorps start laying eggs?

Black Australorps typically start laying eggs at around 5 to 6 months of age. Their early maturity and high egg production rate make them an excellent choice for egg production.

How much space do Black Australorps need in a coop?

Each Black Australorp needs at least 0.37 square meters of space in a coop or three birds per square meter. Providing adequate space prevents overcrowding, reduces stress, and promotes better health and egg production.

What is the lifespan of a Black Australorp?

Black Australorps generally have a lifespan of 6 to 10 years. With proper care, nutrition, and a healthy environment, they can live towards the upper end of this range, providing many years of egg production and companionship.

How can I tell if my Black Australorp is healthy?

A healthy Black Australorp will have bright eyes, a clean and glossy plumage, and be active with a good appetite. Regular health checks, including looking for signs of parasites or illnesses, are essential to maintain their well-being.

What type of bedding is best for Black Australorps?

Wood shavings, straw, or hay are excellent bedding options for Black Australorps. These materials help keep the coop dry and comfortable, reduce odors, and provide a clean environment for the chickens.

How often should I clean the coop for Black Australorps?

Cleaning the coop at least once a week is recommended to maintain a healthy environment for Black Australorps. Regular cleaning helps prevent the buildup of waste, reduces the risk of disease, and ensures a comfortable living space.

Can Black Australorps be raised in a free-range system?

Yes, Black Australorps are well-suited for free-range systems. They are active foragers and benefit from the ability to roam and search for insects and plants, which can supplement their diet and improve their overall health.

What is the best way to handle Black Australorp chicks?

Handle Black Australorp chicks gently and frequently to help them become accustomed to human interaction. Ensure they are kept warm, have access to clean water and high-quality chick starter feed, and monitor their health regularly.

What are common health issues in Black Australorps?

Common health issues in Black Australorps include respiratory infections, parasites, and egg-laying problems. Regular health checks, proper nutrition, and maintaining a clean living environment can help prevent these issues.

How can I increase the egg production of my Black Australorps?

To increase egg production, provide a balanced diet rich in protein and calcium, ensure they have access to clean water, and maintain a stress-free environment. Additionally, providing adequate lighting can help stimulate egg laying.

What is the temperament of Black Australorps?

Black Australorps are known for their calm and friendly temperament. They are easy to handle, making them a great choice for backyard flocks and families with children. Their docile nature also makes them good companions for other poultry.

How do Black Australorps perform in hot climates?

Black Australorps can tolerate hot climates but require adequate shade, ventilation, and access to fresh water to stay cool. Providing these conditions helps prevent heat stress and maintains their health and productivity.

What are the distinguishing features of Black Australorps?

Black Australorps have a striking appearance with their black feathers that have a greenish-purple sheen. They also have a single comb, red wattles, and earlobes, and their eyes are dark brown or matte black. These features make them easily recognizable.

Can Black Australorps be used for meat production?

Yes, Black Australorps can be used for meat production. Their large size and good muscle development make them suitable for dual-purpose use, providing both high-quality meat and eggs.

How much water do Black Australorps need daily?

Each Black Australorp will drink at least twice the quantity of its daily feed requirement relative to its age. If the chicken eats 110 grams of feeds daily, it is expected to drink at least 220 milliliters of water daily. Ensuring they have access to clean, fresh water at all times is crucial for their health and egg production.

What is the ideal coop humidity level for Black Australorps?

The ideal humidity level for a Black Australorp coop is between 50% to 70%. Maintaining this humidity range helps prevent respiratory issues and promotes a healthy living environment for the chickens.


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