Barred Plymouth Rock


Our Barred Plymouth Rock chickens are purebred lines and vaccinated against Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, Gumboro disease, fowl pox, and infectious Coryza.

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If you’re looking to buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, you’ll find these birds to be an excellent addition to any flock. Barred Plymouth Rocks are a triple-purpose breed known for their hardiness, adaptability, and docile nature, making them ideal for both backyard flocks and commercial operations. Their distinctive black-and-white striped plumage adds aesthetic appeal and makes them easy to identify among other breeds.

With the right care, these birds can lay up to 250 brown eggs in their first year, demonstrating their remarkable productivity. At Alpha Agventure Farms, we ensure the highest quality for our Barred Plymouth Rocks through meticulous programs. Our Housing Program provides optimal living conditions that promote the health and well-being of our birds.

We employ a Breeder Selection Program that focuses on choosing the best specimens to ensure strong genetics and desirable traits. Our Egg Selection and Incubation Programs ensure high hatchability and vigor in the chicks we raise. Our Barred Plymouth Rocks receive vaccinations against key diseases, including Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, Gumboro Disease, Fowl Pox, and Infectious Coryza, ensuring their well-being.

Our comprehensive Disease Management Program protects against common poultry ailments, giving you peace of mind. With our rigorous care practices and quality assurance, you can trust our birds to thrive in any environment. For top-notch poultry that meets high standards of health and productivity, explore our Barred Plymouth Rock for sale and enhance your flock with these exceptional chickens.


1. We delouse Barred Plymouth Rocks 3 months old and above.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we take pride in ensuring that our Barred Plymouth Rocks remain parasite-free through a regular delousing process starting at 3 months of age. This proactive approach helps safeguard their health and well-being by preventing irritation and diseases caused by lice. Our thorough delousing regimen not only promotes better growth and productivity but also enhances the overall comfort of our chickens. You can trust our meticulous process to deliver top-quality birds that are healthier and happier.

2. We deworm Barred Plymouth Rocks twice.

To maintain the optimal health of our Barred Plymouth Rocks, we employ a comprehensive two-phase deworming strategy. The first phase targets and eradicates existing internal parasites in the chickens’ intestines, addressing immediate health concerns. Since parasites can lay eggs that hatch into new worms, the second deworming phase is scheduled to eliminate any newly hatched worms that emerged from eggs during the initial treatment. This dual approach ensures that both adult parasites and their offspring are effectively removed, maintaining the highest standards of health and growth for our chickens.

3. We administer bacterial flushing to Barred Plymouth Rocks for 3 days.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we enhance the health of our Barred Plymouth Rocks by implementing a 3-day bacterial flushing regimen. This process helps cleanse their digestive systems of harmful bacteria and strengthens their immune defenses. As a result, our chickens are more resilient to diseases and exhibit improved vitality. By choosing our birds, you benefit from our unique bacterial flushing protocol, which ensures that your chickens are robust and ready for optimal performance.

4. We vaccinate our Barred Plymouth Rock chickens.

Our Barred Plymouth Rock chickens are vaccinated against Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, Gumboro, Fowl Pox, and Coryza. Two weeks before pickup or delivery, we administer booster shots for Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, and Gumboro. Our vaccination program ensures fully protected, healthy Barred Plymouth Rock for your farm.

5. We sanitize chicken transport boxes.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we emphasize biosecurity by thoroughly sanitizing all chicken transport boxes before each delivery. This careful process ensures that our birds travel in a clean, disease-free environment, minimizing the risk of contamination. Our dedication to hygiene and safety in poultry transportation guarantees that your Barred Plymouth Rocks arrive in optimal condition. Our meticulous approach to cleanliness sets us apart and underscores our commitment to maintaining the highest standards.

6. You will get FREE access to the Module 1 of our prerecorded Chicken Farming Seminar.

We offer exclusive access to the Module 1 of our prerecorded Chicken Farming Seminar, providing you with valuable knowledge and best practices. This seminar covers a broad spectrum of topics, from breed selection to health management, equipping you with the tools needed for success. By sharing this resource, we make it easier for you to adopt our proven strategies and achieve similar success. The featured chicken in the video is the Rhode Island Red, but you can apply most of the lessons to Barred Plymouth Rocks as well.

7. You can buy feeds, feeders, drinkers, cages, natural vitamins, medicines, and other must-haves in chicken farming from us.

Alpha Agventure Farms serves as your one-stop shop for all essential chicken farming supplies, including feeds, feeders, drinkers, cages, natural vitamins, medicines, and more. Our comprehensive selection ensures that you have convenient access to everything necessary for successful poultry management. We meticulously choose and provide only the highest-quality products to ensure the best care for your chickens. By choosing us, you enjoy the convenience and reliability of a trusted partner committed to your success in chicken farming.


The Barred Plymouth Rock was developed in the United States in the mid-19th century. Breeders aimed to create a dual-purpose bird excelling in both egg production and meat quality. They achieved this by crossing Dominique, Black Java, Cochin, and possibly Malay chickens.

Rise to Popularity

The breed quickly gained popularity due to its hardiness, adaptability, and productivity. By the early 20th century, Barred Plymouth Rocks became one of the most common chickens on American farms. Their distinctive barred feather pattern, with alternating black and white stripes, also made them visually appealing.

Breed Characteristics

Barred Plymouth Rocks are known for their calm and friendly temperament, making them popular with small farmers and backyard enthusiasts. The birds are cold-hardy, thriving in various climates, and they produce a good amount of brown eggs. Their meat is also highly valued for its tenderness and flavor.

Role in World War II

During World War II, Barred Plymouth Rocks played a crucial role in supporting the U.S. war effort. Their ability to produce a significant amount of eggs and meat helped sustain the food supply during rationing. The breed was extensively promoted by the U.S. government, further cementing its place in American agriculture.

Post-War Decline and Revival

After the war, the rise of industrial farming led to a decline in the popularity of Barred Plymouth Rocks. Commercial operations favored more specialized breeds for either egg or meat production. However, the breed remained a favorite among small-scale farmers and backyard chicken keepers.

Modern-Day Status

Today, Barred Plymouth Rocks are cherished for their versatility and ease of care. They are considered a heritage breed and are often part of conservation efforts to preserve traditional poultry breeds. The Livestock Conservancy lists them as a breed to watch, underscoring the need for continued preservation.

Cultural Impact

The Barred Plymouth Rock has left a lasting legacy in American culture. It has been featured in numerous books, magazines, and advertisements, symbolizing the ideal American farm. Its distinctive appearance and historical significance have made it an enduring symbol of traditional agriculture.

The Barred Plymouth Rock has a rich history that spans over a century, playing a vital role in American farming. Despite changes in agricultural practices, the breed remains a beloved choice for those seeking a reliable and productive chicken. Its legacy continues as a testament to its adaptability and value.


Can I use your Barred Plymouth Rocks as breeders?

There’s no blood-relatedness between the pullets and cockerels in our gendered packages. For example, in the 5-month-old package, the two cockerels might be blood-related to each other, but they are not blood-related up to the fifth degree to the eight pullets. Similarly, the eight pullets may be blood-related to each other, but they are not blood-related up to the fifth degree to the two cockerels. Therefore, inbreeding is avoided with our gendered packages.

On the other hand, our ungendered packages are straight runs, where blood-relatedness is possible. You’ll need to decide which among the pullets and cockerels you’ll keep as potential breeders once they mature.

Meanwhile, Barred Plymouth Rocks reach full sexual maturity at about eight months. Expect a few possible changes in phenotype (physical appearance) once they hit eight months. In your free access to the Module 1 of our Chicken Farming Seminar, you will learn not only our Breeder Selection Program but the entirety of heritage chicken-raising practices.

Do you deliver Barred Plymouth Rocks anywhere in the Philippines?

Our Barred Plymouth Rocks are for pick-up only at our designated pickup site in Block 7, Barangay San Manuel, Tarlac City. If you are unable to pick them up, consider hiring an animal transporter. We can assist in finding one if needed. Provide your address and order details for a delivery quote and schedule. Once with the transporter, the Barred Plymouth Rocks are no longer our responsibility.

Can I pick up my Barred Plymouth Rocks tomorrow if I pay today?

The minimum waiting period is 14 days because we need to delouse, deworm, administer bacterial flushing, and revaccinate your Barred Plymouth Rocks. It could be longer than 14 days if there are other orders ahead of yours.

Will you teach me how to raise Barred Plymouth Rocks if I buy from you?

You will get free access to the Module 1 of our Prerecorded Chicken Farming Seminar. Although the featured breed is the Rhode Island Red, you can apply most of the lessons for raising Barred Plymouth Rock chickens.

What makes Barred Plymouth Rock chickens a good choice for beginners?

Barred Plymouth Rock chickens are an excellent choice for beginners due to their friendly and docile nature. They are easy to handle and adapt well to various environments, making them suitable for novice chicken keepers. Additionally, they are hardy birds, capable of thriving in different climates. If you’re looking to buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, you’ll find them to be low-maintenance and productive layers. Their consistent egg production and calm demeanor make them a favorite for those new to poultry keeping. Check the price of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens below to ensure they fit your budget.

How many eggs can I expect from Barred Plymouth Rock hens annually?

Barred Plymouth Rock hens are known for their impressive egg-laying capabilities, producing approximately 280 eggs on the first year. This makes them an excellent choice for those looking to buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens for consistent egg production. Their large brown eggs are highly prized by backyard chicken keepers. The productivity of Barred Plymouth Rock hens makes them a valuable addition to any flock. If you’re searching for Barred Plymouth Rock near you, consider their egg-laying potential when comparing prices to other breeds.

What do Barred Plymouth Rock chickens eat?

Barred Plymouth Rock chickens have a diet similar to other poultry breeds. They thrive on a balanced diet of commercial chicken feed, grains, and kitchen scraps like fruits and vegetables. Additionally, providing access to fresh water and occasional treats such as mealworms or cracked corn will keep them healthy and happy. When you buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, ensure they have a well-rounded diet to maintain their robust health and egg production. Before purchasing, check the price of Barred Plymouth Rock feed and supplies to budget for their care.

How do Barred Plymouth Rock chickens handle different climates?

Barred Plymouth Rock chickens are known for their adaptability to various climates. They have a hardy constitution, making them suitable for both hot and cold environments. Their dense plumage helps them withstand colder temperatures, while their natural resilience allows them to cope with heat. If you’re looking for Barred Plymouth Rock near you, consider their ability to thrive in your local climate. Before purchasing, inquire about the price of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens and ensure they are a good fit for your region.

Are Barred Plymouth Rock chickens good for meat production?

Barred Plymouth Rock chickens are dual-purpose birds, meaning they are excellent for both egg and meat production. They have a well-rounded body with ample breast meat, making them a popular choice for those seeking a meat source from their flock. If you’re interested in meat production, consider looking for Barred Plymouth Rock for sale in your area. Check the price of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens to see if they align with your meat production goals. Their versatility and flavorful meat make them a valuable addition to any homestead.

How do I care for Barred Plymouth Rock chicks?

Caring for Barred Plymouth Rock chicks requires providing them with a warm and safe environment. Ensure they have access to clean water and starter feed designed for chicks. Maintain a consistent temperature of around 33°C to 35°C during the first week, gradually reducing it as they grow. When you buy Barred Plymouth Rock chicks, ensure they have a clean brooder with adequate space to move around. Keep an eye on their health and development, and consider the price of Barred Plymouth Rock supplies to budget for their care.

How can I tell if a Barred Plymouth Rock chicken is healthy?

Healthy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens exhibit bright eyes, smooth feathers, and an active demeanor. They should have clean nostrils and a dry vent area. Their combs should be a vibrant red, indicating good health. If you’re looking to buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, inspect them for any signs of illness or distress. Ensure they are alert and active, and inquire about their vaccination history. Checking the price of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens should include assessing their overall health and well-being to ensure a sound investment.

What type of coop do Barred Plymouth Rock chickens need?

Barred Plymouth Rock chickens require a spacious coop with adequate ventilation and protection from predators. Provide nesting boxes filled with straw or shavings for egg-laying and roosting bars for perching at night. Ensure the coop is well-ventilated to prevent respiratory issues. When searching for Barred Plymouth Rock for sale, consider the cost of building or buying a suitable coop. The price of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens should reflect the quality of their living environment, ensuring they have a comfortable and secure home.

How do Barred Plymouth Rock chickens interact with other breeds?

Barred Plymouth Rock chickens are known for their friendly and docile nature, making them excellent companions for other chicken breeds. They generally get along well in mixed flocks, providing they have enough space to establish their pecking order. If you plan to buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, ensure your coop and run accommodate their social nature. When looking for Barred Plymouth Rock near you, consider their compatibility with other breeds in your flock to maintain a harmonious environment.

How do I introduce Barred Plymouth Rock chickens to an existing flock?

Introducing Barred Plymouth Rock chickens to an existing flock requires a gradual approach. Begin by quarantining the new birds for a few weeks to ensure they are healthy and disease-free. Gradually introduce them to the existing flock by allowing them to see each other through a barrier. When you buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, plan the introduction during a time when you can supervise interactions closely. Consider the price of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens as an investment in your flock’s overall well-being.

How much space do Barred Plymouth Rock chickens need?

Barred Plymouth Rock chickens require sufficient space to roam and forage. Provide at least 1 square meter for 3 birds and 1 square meter of outdoor run space per bird. Adequate space reduces stress and promotes healthy behavior. If you’re considering Barred Plymouth Rock for sale, ensure you have enough room to accommodate their needs. Before purchasing, check the price of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens to determine if they fit your available space and resources.

What health issues should I watch for in Barred Plymouth Rock chickens?

Barred Plymouth Rock chickens are generally healthy birds, but they can be susceptible to common poultry ailments such as mites, lice, and respiratory infections. Regularly check for external parasites and keep their living area clean to prevent disease. If you’re planning to buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, ensure they come from a reputable breeder with a history of healthy birds. Monitor their health closely and consider the price of Barred Plymouth Rock veterinary care as part of your investment in their well-being.

How do I maintain Barred Plymouth Rock chickens’ egg production?

To maintain high egg production in Barred Plymouth Rock hens, provide a balanced diet rich in calcium and protein. Ensure they have access to clean water and adequate nesting boxes. Consider supplemental lighting in the winter to maintain consistent daylight hours. If you’re looking for Barred Plymouth Rock near you, choose birds with a history of strong egg production. Compare the price of Barred Plymouth Rock feed and supplements to ensure they receive optimal nutrition for egg-laying.

Are Barred Plymouth Rock chickens suitable for free-ranging?

Barred Plymouth Rock chickens are excellent free-range birds, known for their foraging abilities and predator awareness. They enjoy exploring their surroundings and finding insects and greens to supplement their diet. If you’re interested in free-ranging, look for Barred Plymouth Rock for sale to enhance your flock’s natural behavior. Ensure they have a safe and secure area to roam, and consider the price of Barred Plymouth Rock fencing or protective measures to keep them safe from predators.

How do I handle broody Barred Plymouth Rock hens?

Barred Plymouth Rock hens may go broody, wanting to sit on and hatch eggs. To manage broodiness, provide a designated broody area with a nesting box and fresh bedding. If you want to encourage hatching, provide fertilized eggs. If not, discourage broodiness by removing eggs regularly and placing the hen in a wire-bottomed cage to cool down. When you buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, consider their potential for broodiness and plan accordingly. Check the price of Barred Plymouth Rock hens if breeding is a goal.

What color eggs do Barred Plymouth Rock chickens lay?

Barred Plymouth Rock hens lay large brown eggs, prized for their rich color and quality. These eggs are a popular choice among backyard chicken keepers and farmers alike. If you’re looking to buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens for egg production, consider their reputation for producing beautiful brown eggs. When searching for Barred Plymouth Rock near you, inquire about their egg-laying history and compare prices to ensure you’re investing in a productive flock.

How do I select a reputable breeder for Barred Plymouth Rock chickens?

When selecting a breeder, research their reputation and ask for references or testimonials from previous customers. Call the farm owner if possible to know the conditions in which the chickens are raised. Ensure the breeder provides health guarantees and vaccination records. If you’re looking for Barred Plymouth Rock for sale, choose a breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their birds. Compare the price of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens from different breeders to find a fair and competitive rate.

How do I identify Barred Plymouth Rock chickens?

Barred Plymouth Rock chickens have a distinctive appearance with black and white barred plumage, a single comb, and yellow legs. Their feathers create a striking striped pattern, making them easily recognizable. If you’re looking to buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, ensure they have the characteristic features of the breed. The price of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens can vary based on their age and quality, so look for birds that closely match the breed standard to ensure you get a true Barred Plymouth Rock.

What are the typical behavior traits of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens?

Barred Plymouth Rock chickens are known for their friendly, calm, and inquisitive nature. They are generally good-natured and social, making them easy to handle and integrate into a flock. They are also quite hardy and resilient, which makes them suitable for various environments. If you’re considering buying Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, their pleasant temperament is a key selling point. When searching for Barred Plymouth Rock near you, assess their behavior to ensure they fit well with your existing flock or farm setup.

How do I ensure the best living conditions for Barred Plymouth Rock chickens?

To ensure optimal living conditions for Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, provide a clean, dry, and well-ventilated coop with adequate space. Ensure they have access to fresh water and a balanced diet, including commercial feed and occasional treats. Regularly clean their coop and check for signs of illness or pests. If you’re looking to buy Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, make sure they are coming from an environment that meets these standards. The price of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens should reflect the quality of their living conditions and overall health.


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