Buy Oregano Oil for Sale in the Philippines by Alpha Agventure Farms


Oregano oil is beneficial for goats, sheep, cattle, and buffaloes due to its antimicrobial, digestive, respiratory, antioxidant, deworming, and immune-supporting properties.

  1. Antimicrobial Properties: Oregano oil contains compounds like carvacrol and thymol, which combat bacteria, viruses, and fungi, helping control infections.
  2. Digestive Health: It promotes beneficial gut bacteria, aiding in digestive health and potentially preventing gastrointestinal issues.
  3. Respiratory Support: Oregano oil supports respiratory health, especially during stress or respiratory challenges.
  4. Antioxidant Effects: The antioxidants in oregano oil help neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and supporting overall health.
  5. Natural Dewormer: It may offer mild deworming benefits, though its effectiveness can vary.
  6. Immune Support: Oregano oil’s immune-modulating properties enhance the immune response, increasing resilience to infections.


  • Diarrhea and Respiratory Diseases: 1 ml of oregano oil per 1 kilo of body weight for 7 days
  • Dewormer: 1 ml of oregano oil per 1 kilo of body weight. Repeat after 14 days. Repeat every 3 months.

Note: Reduce the dosage by 50% for gestating or pregnant goats, sheep, cattle, and buffaloes.


  • 1 liter: P750.00
  • 500 ml: P400.00

Credit card or PayPal-based payments have a 5% merchant fee.

Oregano Oil

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  • 1 liter: P750.00
  • 500 ml: P400.00

Credit card or PayPal-based payments have a 5% merchant fee.

Oregano Oil

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    What is oregano oil used for in goats, sheep, cattle, and buffaloes?

    Oregano oil is used in goats for its range of beneficial properties, including antimicrobial, digestive, respiratory, antioxidant, and immune-supporting effects. It can help control infections, promote gut health, support respiratory functions, reduce oxidative stress, and potentially act as a natural dewormer. These combined benefits make it a valuable supplement in maintaining ruminant’s health.

    How does oregano oil support ruminant’s health?

    Oregano oil supports goat health through its active compounds, carvacrol and thymol, which provide antimicrobial benefits. These compounds help fight off bacteria, viruses, and fungi, reducing the risk of infections. Additionally, its antioxidant properties help neutralize free radicals, supporting overall health. By promoting gut health and enhancing immune responses, oregano oil contributes to the well-being of goats, sheep, cattle, and buffaloes.

    Can oregano oil be used as a natural dewormer?

    Oregano oil is believed to have mild deworming properties, which may help in controlling internal parasites. However, its effectiveness as a dewormer can vary. It can be part of an integrated approach to parasite management, focusing on reducing parasite loads naturally. At the Alpha Agventure Farms, we use oregano oil as our monthly natural dewormer. Then, we alternately use Albendazole or Ivermectin as synthetic dewormers only when needed depending on the fecal quality of our goats, sheep, cattle, and buffaloes.

    How should oregano oil be administered to ruminants?

    Oregano oil should be administered to small and large ruminants orally through drenching, always in a properly diluted form to prevent irritation. Follow the administrative instructions we have provided. Careful administration ensures safety and maximizes the potential benefits of the oil.

    What are the active compounds in oregano oil?

    The primary active compounds in oregano oil are carvacrol and thymol. Carvacrol is known for its potent antimicrobial properties, making it effective against a wide range of pathogens. Thymol also contributes to these antimicrobial effects and has antioxidant properties. Together, these compounds give oregano oil its health-promoting qualities, making it beneficial for ruminants.

    Is oregano oil safe for all ruminants?

    Oregano oil is generally safe for most ruminants, but it should be used with caution, especially in pregnant or lactating animals. Follow the administrative instructions we provided for gestating ruminants. Proper dosage and administration are crucial to avoid any potential side effects.

    How does oregano oil promote digestive health in goats, sheep, cattle, and buffaloes?

    Oregano oil promotes digestive health by supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which can aid in digestion and nutrient absorption. Its antimicrobial properties help in maintaining a balanced gut microbiome, potentially preventing gastrointestinal issues such as bloating and diarrhea. This support can lead to improved overall health and productivity in ruminants.

    Can oregano oil help with respiratory issues in goats, sheep, cattle, and buffaloes such as colds?

    Yes, oregano oil can support respiratory health in ruminants, particularly during periods of stress or when respiratory challenges are present. Its antimicrobial properties help reduce the load of pathogens in the respiratory tract, while its soothing effects can alleviate symptoms. Regular use, under veterinary guidance, can contribute to healthier respiratory function in ruminants.

    What is the antioxidant benefit of oregano oil for goats, sheep, cattle, and buffaloes?

    Oregano oil contains antioxidants that play a crucial role in reducing oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. This can help protect cells from damage, support immune function, and promote overall health. In goats, this antioxidant action can enhance vitality and potentially improve resistance to diseases, contributing to their long-term well-being.

    Should oregano oil be part of a regular health regimen for small and large ruminants?

    Oregano oil can be a beneficial addition to a ruminant’s health regimen, but it should be used thoughtfully and under our administrative instructions. Its antimicrobial, digestive, and immune-supporting properties can contribute positively to health. However, it should complement, not replace, traditional health practices, ensuring a balanced approach to ruminant care and management.