French Toulouse


Our French Toulouse geese are purebred lines and vaccinated against Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, and Gumboro disease.

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French Toulouse for sale at Alpha Agventure Farms are bred with the highest quality standards in mind. Our farm follows a comprehensive approach to raising geese, which includes a meticulous Housing Program and a rigorous Breeder Selection Program. We ensure that only the best breeders are selected to maintain the highest standards and produce robust and healthy geese.

To guarantee the health of our French Toulouse geese, they are vaccinated against common poultry diseases such as Newcastle Disease (ND), Infectious Bronchitis (IB), and Infectious Bursal Disease (IB or Gumboro Disease). Our thorough Immunization Program ensures that every bird is protected against these potential threats. When considering the price of French Toulouse, it is important to recognize the value of our careful breeding practices and commitment to disease prevention. This dedication to their health and well-being results in high-quality geese that are both resilient and productive.

Our geese are raised under optimal conditions through our Egg Selection, Incubation, Brooding, Feeding, Growing, Laying, and Disease Management Programs. These programs are designed to support the birds at every stage of their development, ensuring they receive the best nutrition and care possible. If you are looking for French Toulouse near you, Alpha Agventure Farms is your trusted source for exceptional quality and healthy birds. When you decide to buy French Toulouse, you can be confident in the superior quality and health of our geese, knowing they have been raised with the utmost care and attention.


1. We deworm French Toulouse geese twice.

To ensure optimal health for our French Toulouse geese, we implement a two-phase deworming program. The first phase targets and removes existing internal parasites, focusing on those affecting the geese’s digestive systems. This initial treatment is essential for immediate health improvement.

Given that parasites can lay eggs that hatch into new worms, we follow up with a second deworming to eliminate any newly hatched parasites. This thorough approach ensures the eradication of both adult parasites and their offspring, providing comprehensive protection and supporting overall health and growth.

2. We administer bacterial flushing to French Toulouse geese for 3 days.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we enhance the health of our French Toulouse geese with a 3-day bacterial flushing regimen. This process cleanses their digestive systems of harmful bacteria, promoting a balanced and resilient immune system. Our commitment to bacterial flushing helps ensure that your geese are robust and disease-resistant, demonstrating our dedication to delivering French Toulouse geese that are not only healthy but also primed for peak performance.

3. We revaccinate French Toulouse geese with ND CLON/H120 and Gumboro.

We prioritize the health and safety of our French Toulouse geese by revaccinating them with ND CLON/H120 and Gumboro vaccines. This revaccination enhances their protection against Newcastle disease and infectious bursal disease (IBD), crucial for preventing serious health issues. Our vaccination program reflects our dedication to providing geese that are well-protected and healthy. With Alpha Agventure Farms, you can trust the thoroughness of our health protocols.

4. We sanitize geese transport boxes.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, biosecurity is a top priority. We ensure all geese transport boxes are thoroughly sanitized before use. This meticulous cleaning process minimizes the risk of contamination and disease transmission during transportation. Our commitment to high hygiene standards guarantees that your French Toulouse geese arrive safely and in excellent condition, setting us apart from other suppliers.

5. You can buy feeds, feeders, drinkers, cages, natural vitamins, medicines, and other must-haves for goose farming from us.

Alpha Agventure Farms is your one-stop shop for all goose farming essentials, including feeds, equipment, and supplements. Our comprehensive range of products ensures that you have everything needed for effective management of your geese. We pride ourselves on offering high-quality items that support the well-being and productivity of your geese. Choosing us means gaining access to reliable products and a trusted partner committed to your success in goose farming.

6. We will guide you on how to raise French Toulouse geese.

If you have any questions or need assistance with raising your French Toulouse geese, we are here to help. Simply send us an email, and we will respond promptly to address your concerns. Our commitment to excellent customer service means you can count on us for guidance and support long after your purchase. Whether you need advice on care, nutrition, or any other aspect of goose farming, we are dedicated to ensuring your success with our French Toulouse geese.


The French Toulouse geese trace their origins to the Toulouse region of France, where they have been recognized for centuries. This breed’s history is rooted in ancient times, with evidence pointing to their use as early as the Middle Ages. Known for their valuable meat and feathers, French Toulouse geese quickly became an integral part of French agriculture.

Early Development and Breeding

In the early Middle Ages, the French Toulouse geese were selectively bred to enhance their size and quality. The breed was developed to meet the demands of both meat production and feather use. Through selective breeding, they became known for their large size, robust build, and distinctive features.

Physical Characteristics of the French Toulouse

French Toulouse geese are renowned for their substantial size and distinctive physical traits. They possess a broad body, short neck, and prominent wattle, which set them apart from other geese breeds. Their size and adaptability have made them a preferred choice in various climates and farming conditions.

Importance in French Cuisine

The French Toulouse geese hold a prominent place in French cuisine, especially known for producing foie gras. The traditional method of fattening these geese is a time-honored practice that contributes to their high culinary value. Additionally, their meat is prized for its rich flavor and tender texture, adding to their significance in French gastronomy.

The Foie Gras Tradition

The production of foie gras from French Toulouse geese involves a specific feeding regimen designed to enlarge the liver. This practice, which has been refined over centuries, is central to French culinary tradition. The quality of foie gras produced is highly regarded and remains a hallmark of French culinary arts.

Modern Preservation Efforts

In contemporary times, French Toulouse geese are preserved through various breeding programs aimed at maintaining their genetic diversity. These programs ensure that the breed’s traditional qualities are upheld and that they continue to thrive. The French Toulouse remains a symbol of agricultural heritage and culinary excellence in France and globally.

Global Recognition and Use

Beyond France, the French Toulouse geese have gained recognition for their exceptional qualities. They are now raised in various countries, where they are appreciated for their adaptability and high-quality meat. The breed’s reputation has contributed to its global popularity, solidifying its status as a premium poultry breed.

Future of the French Toulouse Geese

The future of the French Toulouse geese looks promising, thanks to ongoing conservation efforts and their continued popularity. As culinary trends evolve, the breed’s traditional qualities and historical significance remain valued. The French Toulouse geese continue to be a cherished part of both agricultural and culinary traditions.


 Can I use your French Toulouse geese as breeders?

Yes, you can. The blood-relatedness between the gander (male) and goose (female) French Toulouse geese in the package is not less than five levels of consanguinity.

Do you deliver French Toulouse geese anywhere in the Philippines?

Our French Toulouse geese are available for pick-up only at our designated location in Block 7, Barangay San Manuel, Tarlac City. If you are unable to collect your geese in person, we recommend hiring an animal transporter to ensure their safe delivery. We can assist you in finding a reliable transporter if needed. Please provide us with your address and order details to receive a delivery quote and to schedule a pickup. Once the geese are in the hands of the transporter, responsibility for their care and safety transfers from us to them.

Can I pick up my French Toulouse geese tomorrow if I pay today?

The minimum waiting period for French Toulouse geese is 14 days. During this time, we ensure that the geese are dewormed, receive bacterial flushing, and are revaccinated to guarantee they are in optimal health. If there are existing orders ahead of yours, the waiting period may extend beyond 14 days.

Will you teach me how to raise French Toulouse geese if I buy from you?

Yes, of course! We are happy to provide guidance and support to help you successfully raise your French Toulouse geese. Please feel free to contact us via email for any questions or advice you may need.

What are the characteristics of French Toulouse geese?

French Toulouse geese are known for their gentle nature and large size. They have a distinctive gray plumage with a white underbelly, and their calm temperament makes them excellent additions to farms. They are also efficient foragers, requiring less feed than some other breeds. If you are looking for French Toulouse geese for sale, you’ll appreciate their quiet demeanor and ability to get along well with other farm animals.

How do French Toulouse geese adapt to different climates?

French Toulouse geese are quite adaptable and can thrive in various climates. They have a sturdy build and thick plumage that provides insulation against cold weather, while their ability to forage efficiently helps them stay cool in warmer climates. Providing adequate shelter, fresh water, and shade will ensure their well-being. This adaptability makes them suitable for different regions, enhancing their appeal as a versatile breed for various farming environments.

Why should I buy French Toulouse geese?

Buying French Toulouse geese offers several benefits for farmers and hobbyists alike. They are known for their docile temperament, making them easy to manage, especially for beginners. Additionally, their ability to graze and forage reduces feed costs. If you’re considering expanding your farm, the decision to buy French Toulouse geese can be a rewarding investment.

What are the egg-laying capabilities of French Toulouse geese?

French Toulouse geese are moderate egg layers, typically producing 20 to 35 eggs per year. While they may not lay as prolifically as some other breeds, their eggs are large and nutritious, making them a valuable addition to any farm. To maximize egg production, ensure they have a balanced diet, access to clean water, and a stress-free environment. Their consistent laying patterns can provide a steady supply of fresh eggs for your needs.

What is the price of French Toulouse geese?

The price of French Toulouse geese can vary based on factors such as age, gender, and location. Typically, goslings are more affordable than adult geese. You can expect to pay more for proven breeders or show-quality birds. Prices may also vary depending on the breeder or farm. Our price points are influenced by the quality of our cultural management. Investing in quality geese can lead to better returns in the long run.

How do French Toulouse geese contribute to sustainable farming?

French Toulouse geese are excellent for sustainable farming practices. Their natural foraging abilities reduce the need for commercial feed, lowering costs and promoting eco-friendly agriculture. They can control weeds and pests by grazing on grass and insects, contributing to organic farming efforts. Their manure is also a valuable fertilizer, enriching soil health. Incorporating French Toulouse geese into your farm can enhance sustainability and productivity, aligning with environmentally conscious practices.

Are there any French Toulouse geese for sale with specific traits?

Yes, you can find French Toulouse geese for sale with specific traits, such as superior egg-laying abilities, robust health, or desirable feather quality. Some breeders focus on enhancing particular characteristics, such as size or temperament, to meet different needs. It’s essential to communicate your requirements to breeders to find geese that align with your goals. Whether you’re interested in breeding, egg production, or show qualities, there are options available to suit your preferences.

How can I find French Toulouse geese near me?

Go to Google and search for “French Toulouse geese near me.” Don’t be surprised if you find Alpha Agventure Farms at the top spot of the search results. Additionally, joining social media groups or forums dedicated to geese farming can help you connect with breeders and sellers in your area. Even if we’re located relatively far from you, we can deliver your French Toulouse geese anywhere in the Philippines.

What is the ideal diet for French Toulouse geese?

French Toulouse geese thrive on a balanced diet consisting of fresh grass, grains, and high-quality poultry feed. Providing them with access to pasture encourages natural foraging, which is beneficial for their health. Supplemental grains, such as corn and wheat, can be offered to ensure they receive adequate nutrition. Clean water is crucial, as geese require it for digestion and hygiene. A well-rounded diet contributes to their overall health, egg production, and growth.

How do I care for French Toulouse geese during the winter months?

Caring for French Toulouse geese in winter involves providing adequate shelter, proper nutrition, and clean water. Ensure their coop is draft-free and well-insulated to protect them from harsh weather. Providing straw bedding can help retain warmth. Offer a balanced diet rich in calories to meet their energy needs during colder months. Access to unfrozen water is essential for their hydration and hygiene. Regular health checks can help prevent winter-related health issues.

Why should I buy French Toulouse geese for meat production?

French Toulouse geese are an excellent choice for meat production due to their large size and flavorful meat. Their meat is tender and rich, making it a sought-after delicacy in culinary circles. They are relatively easy to raise, requiring minimal intervention once established. If you’re interested in diversifying your farm’s offerings or entering the gourmet market, choosing to buy French Toulouse geese can be a lucrative investment, providing both high-quality meat and potential profit.

What are the housing requirements for French Toulouse geese?

French Toulouse geese require spacious and secure housing to thrive. Their coop should be large enough to accommodate their size, with ample ventilation and protection from predators.  One French Toulouse goose per one square meter is the stocking density we recommend. Providing nesting boxes is essential for egg-laying geese. Access to outdoor areas for grazing and exercise is crucial for their well-being. A fenced yard or pasture with a pond or water source allows them to exhibit natural behaviors. Proper housing ensures their safety, comfort, and productivity.

How do French Toulouse geese interact with other animals?

French Toulouse geese generally have a calm and docile nature, allowing them to coexist peacefully with other farm animals. They can be integrated into mixed-species farms without significant issues. However, it’s essential to monitor interactions, especially during breeding seasons, as geese can become protective of their nests. Providing enough space and resources reduces the likelihood of conflicts. Their sociable disposition makes them compatible with various animals, enhancing the dynamics of mixed farming systems.

What are the health concerns for French Toulouse geese?

French Toulouse geese are generally hardy, but they can be susceptible to certain health issues. Common concerns include parasites, respiratory infections, and foot problems. Regular health checks, proper nutrition, and clean living conditions can mitigate these risks. Ensuring access to clean water and maintaining a hygienic environment are vital preventive measures. Consulting a veterinarian experienced with poultry can help address any health concerns promptly, ensuring the well-being and longevity of your geese.

How does the price of French Toulouse geese compare to other breeds of goose?

The price of French Toulouse geese may vary compared to other breeds, depending on factors such as age, quality, and location. Generally, they are competitively priced, offering good value for their size, meat quality, and egg production. While some breeds may be cheaper, French Toulouse geese’s benefits often justify the cost. It’s essential to evaluate your specific needs and budget when comparing breeds to ensure you make an informed decision that aligns with your farming goals.

What is the breeding season for French Toulouse geese?

The breeding season for French Toulouse geese typically occurs in the spring or between March and May in the Philippines, aligning with warmer weather and abundant food sources. During this time, geese become more territorial and protective of their nests. Providing suitable nesting areas and monitoring breeding pairs is crucial for successful reproduction. Incubation lasts about 28 to 34 days, and goslings require attentive care in their early weeks. Understanding the breeding season helps optimize reproduction and ensure the growth of your flock.

How can I improve egg production in French Toulouse geese?

Improving egg production in French Toulouse geese involves ensuring optimal nutrition, proper housing, and minimal stress. Providing a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports reproductive health. A clean and comfortable coop with ample nesting boxes encourages laying. Reducing stressors, such as predators or overcrowding, promotes regular egg-laying. Monitoring health and maintaining a consistent care routine further enhances productivity. These practices contribute to higher egg yields and overall flock well-being.

How do I introduce new French Toulouse geese to my flock?

Introducing new French Toulouse geese to your flock requires careful planning and gradual acclimatization. Start by quarantining new arrivals to prevent disease transmission. Gradually introduce them to the existing flock in a neutral area to minimize territorial disputes. Monitor interactions closely to ensure a smooth transition. Providing separate feeding and watering stations reduces competition. Patience and careful observation are key to successfully integrating new geese, fostering a harmonious and cohesive flock environment.

What is the lifespan of French Toulouse geese?

French Toulouse geese have a lifespan of around 10 to 20 years, depending on factors such as genetics, care, and environment. Proper nutrition, clean living conditions, and regular health checks contribute to their longevity. Their ability to thrive in various climates and resist common diseases further enhances their lifespan. With attentive care and management, French Toulouse geese can remain productive and healthy throughout their lives, offering long-term value to farmers and hobbyists alike.


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