Rhode Island Red


Our Rhode Island Red chickens are purebred lines and vaccinated against Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, Gumboro disease, fowl pox, and infectious Coryza.

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Our purebred Rhode Island Red breeders are island-born descendants of imported stock from Iowa and Pennsylvania, USA. We acquired our breeders from a relative who imports animals. If you want to buy purebred Rhode Island Red chickens, rest assured they are raised using semi-purist methods that emphasize natural and sustainable practices.

We produce our own phytobiotics, natural dewormers, and natural vitamins and minerals. This proactive approach helps combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and ensures that our chickens receive the best possible care. At Alpha Agventure Farms, we are committed to maintaining high standards through comprehensive programs.

Our Housing Program provides clean and comfortable living conditions. The Breeder Selection Program identifies the best breeders, while the Egg Selection Program ensures high-quality eggs. The Incubation and Brooding Programs focus on the critical early stages of development.

Our Feeding Program delivers a balanced diet. The Immunization Program protects against common diseases. Our Growing and Laying Programs support proper growth and optimize egg production.

Our day-olds are vaccinated against Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bronchitis (IB). At one month, they receive additional vaccinations for Newcastle Disease, IB, Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro), Fowl Pox, and Infectious Coryza. This thorough vaccination regimen ensures the health and vitality of our Rhode Island Reds for sale.


1. We delouse Rhode Island Reds 3 months old and above.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we ensure our Rhode Island Reds are free from parasites by delousing them from 3 months old. This proactive measure helps to maintain the health and comfort of our chickens, preventing irritation and disease caused by lice. Our commitment to regular delousing means you receive chickens that are not only healthier but also happier, leading to better growth and productivity. You can be confident that our meticulous delousing process sets us apart from others, ensuring you receive the best quality birds.

2. We deworm Rhode Island Reds twice.

To ensure the optimal health of our Rhode Island Reds, we implement a two-phase deworming program. The first deworming targets and eliminates existing internal parasites that are already present in the chickens’ intestines. This initial treatment addresses the parasites that are actively affecting the birds and helps prevent immediate health issues.

However, parasites can lay eggs that hatch into new worms after the first treatment. To address this, the second deworming is scheduled to eliminate any newly hatched worms that were in their egg stage during the first treatment. This follow-up treatment ensures that both the adult parasites and their offspring are effectively eradicated, providing a comprehensive approach to parasite control.

By adhering to this two-step deworming strategy, we ensure that our chickens are free from internal parasites, supporting their overall health and growth. This thorough approach helps maintain the highest standards of well-being and performance for our Rhode Island Reds.

3. We administer bacterial flushing to Rhode Island Reds for 3 days.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we go the extra mile by providing a 3-day bacterial flushing to our Rhode Island Reds, ensuring their digestive systems are healthy and balanced. This process helps to eliminate harmful bacteria and promotes a stronger immune system, making our chickens more resilient against diseases. By choosing our birds, you benefit from enhanced health and vitality, knowing that our bacterial flushing protocol is unique and unparalleled. This extra care ensures you receive chickens that are not only robust but also primed for peak performance.

4. We vaccinate our Rhode Island Reds.

Our Rhode Island Reds are vaccinated against the Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, Gumboro, Fowl Pox, and Coryza. Two weeks before pickup or delivery, we administer booster shots for Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, and Gumboro. Our vaccination program ensures fully protected, healthy Rhode Island Reds for your farm.

5. We sanitize chicken transport boxes.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we understand the importance of biosecurity and take pride in sanitizing all chicken transport boxes before delivery. This meticulous process ensures that our birds are transported in a clean and disease-free environment, minimizing the risk of contamination. Our sanitized transport boxes reflect our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and safety in poultry transportation. You can trust that our careful attention to cleanliness guarantees a safe arrival for your Rhode Island Reds, setting us apart from the competition.

6. You will get FREE access to the Module 1 of our prerecorded Chicken Farming Seminar.

We provide exclusive access to the Module 1 of our prerecorded Chicken Farming Seminar, designed to empower you with expert knowledge and best practices. Our Module 1 covers a wide range of topics, from breed selection to health management, ensuring you have all the tools you need to succeed. By offering this resource, we make it easy for you to replicate our proven strategies and achieve the same level of success. With Alpha Agventure Farms, you have a partner committed to your growth and education in chicken farming.

7. You can buy feeds, feeders, drinkers, cages, natural vitamins, medicines, and other must-haves in chicken farming from us.

At Alpha Agventure Farms, we are your comprehensive solution for all chicken farming essentials, offering a wide range of products from feeds to equipment and supplements.

Our one-stop shop approach ensures you have easy access to everything you need for successful poultry management, saving you time and effort. We carefully select and provide only the highest quality products, ensuring that your chickens receive the best care possible. By choosing us, you gain the convenience and assurance of a trusted partner dedicated to your success in chicken farming.


The Rhode Island Red, renowned as the state bird of Rhode Island, is an iconic American breed of domestic chicken. Developed in the late 19th century through the cross-breeding of Oriental birds like the Malay and Italian brown Leghorns, this breed was created with versatility in mind, suitable for both meat and egg production. Today, modern strains are primarily celebrated for their prolific egg-laying abilities.

Breeding Origins: A Colorful History of Creation

Originating in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, the Rhode Island Red emerged from selective breeding efforts that combined birds like the Cochin, Java, Malay, and Shanghai with brown Leghorns. Its striking deep red plumage, a hallmark of the breed, can be traced back to its Malay ancestors. In 1954, Rhode Island proudly commemorated the breed’s centenary with the erection of the Rhode Island Red Monument at the William Tripp farm.

The breed’s name is attributed to either Isaac Champlin Wilbour or Mr. Jenny from the Southern Massachusetts Poultry Association, with its first formal exhibition taking place in 1895. Early variations were also known as “John Macomber fowls” or “Tripp fowls.”

Setting Standards: The Rhode Island Red’s Evolution

The first breed standard was established in 1898, gaining approval from the American Rhode Island Red Club in 1901. The breed was officially recognized by the American Poultry Association in 1904, with both single-comb and rose-comb varieties achieving status shortly after.

Distinctive Features: The Iconic Rhode Island Red Appearance

Rhode Island Reds exhibit plumage ranging from a rich deep red to almost black, with predominantly black tails. They possess a vivid red comb, earlobes, and wattles, complemented by reddish horn-colored beaks and yellow legs. While traditional strains are robust and colorful, industrial varieties tend to be smaller and paler.

Dual-Purpose Delight: The Versatile Rhode Island Red

Initially bred as a dual-purpose bird for meat and eggs, the Rhode Island Red has evolved predominantly into an egg-laying powerhouse since the 1940s. With their impressive laying capabilities, modern industrial Rhode Island Reds contribute significantly to poultry production and the development of various hybrid breeds.

Traditional Rhode Island Reds can lay between 300 to 400 brown eggs within their first 100 weeks of life while providing flavorful meat, earning a spot in the Ark of Taste by the Slow Food Foundation.


Can I use your Rhode Island Reds as breeders?

Yes, you can do that to our gendered packages. There’s no blood-relatedness between the pullets and cockerels for our gendered packages.  For example, in the 5-month-old package, the two cockerels could be blood-related with each other but they’re not blood-related up to fifth degree to the eight pullets. In the same way, the eight pullets might be blood-related with each other but they are not blood-related up to fifth degree with the two cockerels. So, insofar as inbreeding is concerned, it is avoided with our gendered packages.

On the other hand, our ungendered packages are straight-runs. Blood-relatedness is possible among straight-runs. So, you have to choose which between the pullets and cockerels you’ll keep as candidate breeders when they grew up.

Meanwhile, the full sexual maturity of a Rhode Island Red is met once it reaches eight months. Expect a few possible phenotype (physical appearance) changes on your Rhode Island Reds once they hit eight months. Learn more about this through the Module 1 of our Chicken Farming Seminar that is already included for free in our packages. Learn not only our Breeder Selection Program but the entirety of Rhode Island Red-raising practices.

Do you deliver Rhode Island Reds anywhere in the Philippines?

Our Rhode Island Reds are for pick-up only at our designated zone in Block 7, Barangay San Manuel, Tarlac City. If unable to pick up your Rhode Island Reds, consider hiring an animal transporter. We can assist in finding one if needed. Provide your address and order details for a delivery quote and schedule. Once with the transporter, the Rhode Island Reds are no longer our responsibility.

Can I pick up my Rhode Island Reds tomorrow if I pay today?

The minimum waiting period is 14 days because we need to delouse, deworm, administer bacterial flushing, and revaccinate your Rhode Island Reds. It could be longer than 14 days if there are other orders ahead of yours.

Will you teach me how to raise Rhode Island Reds if I buy from you?

Yes, of course! In fact, we’ve given you free access to the Module 1 of our prerecorded Chicken Farming Seminar.

How much does a Rhode Island Red cost?

The price of our Rhode Island Red chicken varies depending on various factors such as age and quantity. Please refer to the PACKAGES AND PAYMENT OPTIONS section of this page for the details.

What is the best egg laying chicken breed in the Philippines?

The best egg-laying chicken breed in the Philippines is often considered to be the Rhode Island Red. This breed is renowned for its prolific egg-laying capabilities, adaptability to various climates, and overall hardiness. They typically lay brown eggs consistently and are relatively low maintenance, making them popular among poultry enthusiasts and commercial farmers alike in the Philippines.

How do you know if Rhode Island Red is pure?

To ascertain if a Rhode Island Red is purebred, several characteristics can be examined. Pure Rhode Island Reds typically exhibit deep, rich mahogany-red plumage with black tail feathers. They have a sturdy and compact body with a single comb that is evenly serrated. Additionally, their legs should be a rich yellow color. Farms who bought their Rhode Island Reds from Alpha Agventure Farms must be able to present you either a hard copy certificate or an e-certificate signed by an authorized representative of Alpha Agventure Farms.

How many months does Rhode Island Red lay?

Rhode Island Reds are known for their consistent egg production. Typically, they begin laying eggs at around 5 to 6 months of age and continue to lay productively, business-wise, until the age of 18 to 24 months. The peak laying period is usually on their 34th month of age, gradually declining thereafter.

What is the lifespan of a Rhode Island Red?

Rhode Island Reds generally have a lifespan of around 6 to 8 years with proper care and management. However, their egg-laying productivity tends to decline after the 18 to 24 months, and they may be kept as pets or for their meat after their prime laying years.

How many eggs do Rhode Island Reds lay per day?

Rhode Island Reds are known to be prolific layers, typically laying between 4 to 6 eggs per week on average. However, factors such as age, health, diet, and environmental conditions can influence their daily egg production. It’s not uncommon for them to lay an egg every day during their peak laying period.

Are Rhode Island Reds noisy?

Rhode Island Reds are generally considered to be moderate to low noise chickens. They may vocalize occasionally, especially after laying an egg or when startled, but they are not as noisy as some other breeds. Proper housing and environmental enrichment can help minimize any potential noise disturbances.

What are the advantages of Rhode Island Red chickens?

Rhode Island Reds offer several advantages to poultry keepers. They are excellent egg layers, known for their consistent production of large brown eggs. They are also hardy and adaptable to various climates, making them suitable for backyard flocks or commercial operations. Additionally, they have a calm demeanor, making them easy to handle and suitable for families or beginners.

How much food do Rhode Island Red chickens eat?

Rhode Island Reds are moderate eaters compared to some other breeds. A Rhode Island Red aged 21-week-old and above will consume 110 grams of feeds per day. However, factors such as age, size, activity level, and environmental conditions can affect their food consumption. Providing a balanced diet with access to fresh water is essential for their health and productivity.

How to tell if a Rhode Island Red chick is male or female?

Sexing Rhode Island Red chicks can be challenging but certain methods can help distinguish between males and females. Two of the most common methods are vent sexing and feather sexing. Additionally, behavioral differences may emerge as they mature, with males often displaying more assertive and territorial behaviors.

How many years do Rhode Island Red chickens lay eggs?

Rhode Island Reds are known for their excellent egg-laying abilities, typically laying eggs consistently for the first 2 to 3 years of their life. However, their egg production may decline gradually after reaching maturity on their 34th week of age. With proper care and management, some hens may continue to lay eggs sporadically for several more years, but the frequency and quality of eggs generally diminish over time.

Are Rhode Island Reds friendly?

Rhode Island Reds are known for their friendly and docile temperament, making them suitable for backyard flocks or family pets. They often enjoy human interaction and can be quite sociable when raised with proper care and handling from a young age. However, individual personalities may vary, and some Rhode Island Reds may be more or less friendly depending on their genetics and early experiences.

Why are my Rhode Island Reds not laying?

Several factors can contribute to a decrease in egg production in Rhode Island Reds. These may include age-related declines in fertility and egg quality, stress from environmental changes or predator threats, inadequate nutrition, disease or parasites, and seasonal variations in daylight hours. Addressing these factors through proper management, nutrition, and health care can help improve and maintain egg production in Rhode Island Reds.

Are Rhode Island Reds intelligent?

Rhode Island Reds are generally considered to be intelligent and adaptable chickens. They are quick learners and can be easily trained to respond to cues or commands, making them suitable for various husbandry practices and even some simple tricks or tasks. Their intelligence, combined with their friendly demeanor, contributes to their popularity among poultry keepers and hobbyists.

What is the personality of a Rhode Island Red chicken?

Rhode Island Reds are known for their lively and curious personality traits. They are generally friendly and sociable birds that enjoy foraging, exploring their environment, and interacting with their flockmates and human caregivers. They can also exhibit a degree of independence and self-sufficiency, making them relatively low maintenance compared to some other breeds.

What color eggs do Rhode Island Red chickens lay?

Rhode Island Reds typically lay large brown eggs, though the exact shade may vary slightly depending on individual genetics and diet. The eggshells are usually a rich brown color, ranging from light tan to deep mahogany, and they are known for their sturdy shell quality and flavorful yolks. Occasionally, Rhode Island Reds may produce eggs with slight variations in color or speckling, but brown is the most common hue.

Is a Rhode Island Red rooster aggressive?

Rhode Island Red roosters can exhibit territorial and aggressive behaviors, especially during breeding season or when defending their flock. This behavior may include crowing, posturing, and occasionally aggression towards other roosters or perceived threats. Proper socialization, adequate space, and supervision can help mitigate aggression in Rhode Island Red roosters, but individual temperament may vary.

What is the best feed for Rhode Island Red chickens?

Rhode Island Reds have relatively modest dietary requirements and can thrive on a balanced diet of commercial poultry feed supplemented with fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats. A high-quality layer feed containing essential nutrients such as protein, calcium, and vitamins is recommended to support optimal egg production and overall health. Additionally, providing access to clean water at all times is crucial for hydration and digestion.

Are Rhode Island Reds rare?

Rhode Island Reds are not considered rare chickens; in fact, they are one of the most popular and widely recognized poultry breeds globally. Their excellent egg-laying abilities, hardiness, and friendly disposition contribute to their widespread popularity among backyard flock owners, small-scale farmers, and commercial egg producers.

Does the Rhode Island Red chicken hatch eggs?

Rhode Island Reds are not typically used for hatching eggs commercially, as they are primarily valued for their egg-laying capabilities rather than broodiness. While individual hens may exhibit broody behavior and successfully hatch and raise chicks under the right conditions, other breeds are often preferred for incubating and hatching eggs due to their higher propensity for broodiness and maternal instincts.

What is the best breed to cross with Rhode Island Red?

Rhode Island Reds are a versatile breed that can be crossed with various other chicken breeds to produce offspring with desirable traits. Common crosses include mixing Rhode Island Reds with other dual-purpose or egg-laying breeds to enhance productivity, egg quality, or specific physical characteristics. Popular crosses may include breeds such as Black Australorp and Barred Plymouth Rock, depending on the desired breeding goals and intended use of the offspring.

Why are my Rhode Island Red hens laying small eggs?

Several factors can contribute to Rhode Island Red hens laying smaller-than-average eggs. These may include inadequate nutrition, stress, age-related declines in egg quality, genetic factors, or health issues such as reproductive disorders or infections. Addressing these factors through proper management, nutrition, and veterinary care can help improve egg size and quality over time.

How do you know if Rhode Island Red is pure?

Determining the purity of Rhode Island Reds can be challenging, especially without pedigree documentation or reliable breed standards. However, several physical characteristics can indicate a purebred Rhode Island Red, including deep mahogany-red plumage, black tail feathers, single combs, and yellow legs. Consulting with reputable breeders or poultry associations and conducting genetic testing can also help confirm purity.

Do Rhode Island Red hens lay green eggs?

Rhode Island Red hens typically lay brown eggs, ranging in color from light tan to deep mahogany. While green egg-laying breeds such as our Ameraucanas are known for producing eggs with blue or green shells, Rhode Island Reds are not typically associated with laying eggs of these colors. Instead, their eggs are prized for their rich brown hue and excellent flavor.

Can Rhode Island Red chickens lay 2 eggs a day?

Rhode Island Reds are prolific layers, but they typically lay one egg per day on average. While it’s theoretically possible for a hen to lay two eggs in a single day under exceptional circumstances, such occurrences are rare and not sustainable in the long term. Factors such as genetics, age, health, and environmental conditions can influence egg-laying frequency, but Rhode Island Reds generally adhere to a daily laying cycle.


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